Saturday, November 30, 2019
Outsiders Essays (601 words) - Pony, English-language Films
Outsiders The following is a transcript of the recent hearing of the Curtis brothers. RANDY L: Randy were you there the night of Bobs death? R: Yes your honor. L: What happened that night and how did it happen? R: Well it all started when we all saw the two Greasers (Pony and Johnny) in the park. We were completely drunk and had no idea what we were doing so I guess we all just wanted to beat the two of them up, no really big reason it is just that the we hate the Greasers and the Greasers hate us. So we got out of the car and started to gang beat pony, when I think of it now it is kind of harsh, we mostly just tried to drown him but we ended up not harming either one of them that much it was Bob that was going to pay the consequence. I turned around and there was my best friend Bob laying there, choking over blood and dieing right before my eyes. I had no idea what to do so I ran . L: Thank you Randy you my go sit back down now I would like to call Sherri Vallance to the stand please. Cherry Vallance L: So how much of the murder do you know about? S:Well awile ago I had gone to the Drive In Movies. Bob and Randy had been drinking lots that night so we decided to leave them there alone. We met Pony boy and Johnny, we had stayed with them most of the night. Bob and Randy saw Marsha and I with them and I guess they got a little jelous, and they looked very mad at pony and Johnny. I don't really know what happened when they murdered Bob but I know that Im still aching from it. L: Thank you Cherry L: We call Darry curtis to the stand please. L: Darry were you very good friends with Dally? D: Yes I was your honor we were the best of friends. L: What did you do when you found out that Pony was missing and was wanted for murder? D: I cried all day long every day and I searched the city for him every day also. L: Thank you , you may have a seat now. L: I call Soda Pop Curtis to the stand please. L: Soda Pop what happened before Pony Boy ran off out of your house and went missing? SP: Well Pony came home late the night he left and we were up all night worried sick about him. Well when he did come home I guess Darry was a bit mad so I guess we all got into a little yelling fight and darry got very mad and ended up hitting Pony, and that was when Pony left and didn't come back till a week ago. L: Thank you Soda Pop you may have a seat now too. L: Now last of all I would like to call Pony Boy Curtis to the stand please. J: Pony boy tell, me do you like living in the house that you are living in right now with you r brothers? PB: Yes I do I love living with them it is great I have alot of fun. J: And do you like the school that you are going to is it a healthy environment to be in? PB:Yes I have lots of friends and I really enjoy going there. J:What kind of grades do you get in school? PB: I have almost all As and the rest are Bs Im a good reader and I really like to do school work all the time. J: Thank you Pony Boy that is all this case is closed with no further adieus.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Waltz essays
Waltz essays Kenneth Waltz begins his discussion of the balance of power by asking the question of whether or not it even exists. He asks whether or not it is an illusion or reality. He feels that it does exist and that it is strongly a part of states everyday reality. He feels this way, because he believes that a key factor to states, if not the most important factor is the one of survival. States are not guaranteed security, unless they provide it for themselves, according to Waltz. States will do whatever is necessary to protect themselves, including cooperation and forming coalitions, to guarantee this security. Waltz uses an example of an ordinary card game to help examine his point. He says that in a card game, with two or more players, one who wants to win has to follow a strategy. Not just his own, but the strategies of the other players as well. To win this game, one may form a coalition with another, although that player could have been considered the "enemy" less than a few minuets ago. Waltz also points out that this collaboration between the two comes when another player is on the verge of winning. He also states that this cooperation, may not even happen, for various reasons. These reasons could be that the two dislike each other too much, or that they are not intelligent enough to realize that this cooperation needs to happen. Here Waltz is able to take a simple card game, and develop the basic reasons, why states cooperate, and this reason is because they want to balance the power of another state, that is on the verge of winning the "game". The result of another state winning the "game" is that the other states involved are now at a loss. He also displays how a state can loose, by being blind to the need to cooperate. States may not balance the power of another, because of such things as states not getting along, or the fact that they are just too ignorant to realize that they need to cooperate so that they ca...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Approach In Treating Schizophrenia Samples
Deficit based practice have long been used for helping out the professionals for addressing the needs and the problems of gifted children. While addressing the mental health problems, a strong belief that prevails it that once the presenting problem is identified, an expert can be found and he can then fix out a prescription to cure the condition (Kapp et al., 2013). It has to be kept in mind that deficit based approaches can create dependency on outside solutions. One of the foremost problem with deficit based approach is that the interventions comes often too late superseding after the problem is already present rather than intervening to prevent the problem. Research has suggested that deficit based programs mainly focus on what the youth and the children are doing wrong and are found to be unsuccessful unlike the programs that mainly focus on the strengths of the young generation (Kapp et al., 2013). An example to this can be given such as; the zero tolerance policy towards s chool bullying can result in increased level of suspensions without the knowledge of how the behaviors can be changed. It basically do not stop the problems of bullying, who typically spends more unnoticed and unsupervised time in the community or home. Strength based approach on the other hand moves the subject away from the weaknesses of the people and focus on strengths of the client (Amaresha & Venkatasubramanian, 2012). The case study reveals the fact that the individual had been recently diagnosed with schizophrenia, which was previously believed to be the signs of autism and hence the treatment was mainly based on behavioral treatment depending upon the situation. On this context it can be said that when a health care provider portrays a gloomy picture of people having mental illness, the clients also perceives themselves negatively. According to the researchers 24 % of the people suffering from schezophrenia have scored less in self regard on the basis of Rosenberg self esteem scale (RSES) (Zargham-Boroujeni et al., 2015). In this case a positive psychotherapy can be used which will be able to focus more on the internal strengths and less on weakness, shortcomings and failures. This can help to set up a positive mindset in the patient in the scenario that will help to find own strength, improve the resilience and achieve a positive worldview. Strength based therapy can include talk therapy which can guide the patient in retelling the history of the stressors, trauma and emphasize on pain having more emphasis on the strength and survival than that of weakness (Xie, 2013). Strength based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, personal therapy, compliance therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy; supportive psychotherapy can be used to treat the behavioral symptoms related to Schizophrenia (Xie, 2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown significant improvements in depression, negative symptoms and social functioning. CBT is again not suited for the patients who are cute sufferers. Personal therapy can be suitable to individuals who have been discharged from clinical settings. Supportive therapy can be used to counsel the patient while dealing with life issues by dealing their problems with general assistance, clarifications and reassurance (Chien et al., 2013). A paradigm shift from deficit based to strength based will help to increase the level of functioning in the patient. The quality of life will improve and the symptoms will decrease. It will bring about a change in the self image of the client (Zargham-Boroujeni et al., 2015). Highe r level of resiliency would cater to the mental well being of the patient. The primary principles of strength based approach is to utilize the strength already possessed by the patient, secondly the client has to be motivated to focus on the strengths (Rashid, 2015). Finally, the environment from where the client will derive resources to strengthen his or skills should be conducing enough. The family and the communities can help to identify the informal support system that can be provided to such patients. Meetings, social intervention gatherings and educational sessions can help the patient to share his stories with one other as well as the practitioners (Chien et al., 2013). It is essential to develop the therapeutic relationship between the consumer and the practitioner. According to researchers hardiness can be correlated negatively to mental disorders. They have also indicated the relation between the hope of recovery, strength, productive and a satisfying life style (Zargh am-Boroujeni et al., 2015). It can be said that treatment of schizophrenia cannot be treated with one psychotherapy as no single method can address all the problems. A combination of cognitive remediation, illness education and social skills training along with medications can serve as the best treatment. Emotional support in handling with a disabling illness, enhancing the coping strategies for promoting functional recovery and alteration of the underneath pathophysiology are the main elements of the future psychotherapy interventions for schizophrenia. Amaresha, A. C., & Venkatasubramanian, G. (2012). Expressed emotion in schizophrenia: an overview. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 34(1), 12. Chien, W. T., Leung, S. F., Yeung, F. K., & Wong, W. K. (2013). Current approaches to treatments for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, part II: psychosocial interventions and patient-focused perspectives in psychiatric care. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 9, 1463–1481. Kapp, S. K., Gillespie-Lynch, K., Sherman, L. E., & Hutman, T. (2013). Deficit, difference, or both? Autism and neurodiversity. Developmental psychology, 49(1), 59. Rashid, T. (2015). Positive psychotherapy: A strength-based approach. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(1), 25-40. Xie, H. (2013). Strengths-Based Approach for Mental Health Recovery. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 7(2), 5–10. Zargham-Boroujeni, A., Maghsoudi, J., & Oreyzi, H. R. (2015). Focusing on psychiatric patients’ strengths: A new vision on mental health care in Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(3), 340–346. 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019
RFID and online shopping Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
RFID and online shopping - Assignment Example This gives leverage to exploit hackers and online criminals to exploit the age of the internet. Technology is moving into human bodies quickly (Keenan, 2014). Humans are gradually becoming slaves to technology. Software and machines know the most intimate secrets of a person. Apps and devices track blood-sugar level, heart rate and blood pressure. It won’t be hard for a hacker to sell medication to diabetic patients after obtaining this useful information. One does not even need to be that illegal to exploit internet privacy. Studying shopping habits is becoming a science in itself. The internet has provided so many in-depth tools to marketers that they can explore shopping behaviors by regions (towns, suburbs etc.) and persons. A shopper might put in some key words in the search engine and in just a few seconds he might see banner ads selling the exact or a relevant product to this person. This precise form of marketing is frightening. It reveals how much activity of a person can be tracked over the internet. One study conducted on online shoppers showed that the privacy concern is a major impediment of truthful and deep online interaction (Flick, 2009). Shoppers are always concerned about their information security. Different credible shopping websites have to show a licensed banner for the online security of their fund transfers. News of identity theft, credit card scams, online stalking and threats over social media are not new. The surprising part is that not everyone engages so much over the internet to become a victim of cybercrimes. Internet privacy is among the most widely discussed subjects in print and electronic media (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2014). A significant number of people are now informed of this menace. People are not comfortable giving sensitive information online. But modern lifestyle almost demands engagement with technology and modern shopping trends. People are outsourcing their lives to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Water Shortage In New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Water Shortage In New Zealand - Essay Example This research report contained valuable information which included statistics (numerical data) as well as textual information such as information about the websites visited for accessing the data on Territorial Authorities in New Zealand and their various policies and approaches with regard to water supply in the country. Hence in order to enable ease of data recording, interpretation, and analysis, the decision to use and design the excel spreadsheet was made. Another crucial task was to ascertain the number of questions to be asked. For this purpose first, a tentative list was prepared and matched against the research objectives. Based on this criteria a final list of questions was shortlisted. This included a range of information on water supply in the country categorized on the basis of territorial authorities (TAs). A total of 70 TAs were shortlisted and questions such as whether the said TA offer advice on water conservation; whether they have a water meter in place, how much a mount of water is supplied to individuals as well as industries; whether the TAs have any plans to implement a water restriction; the existing state of water charge across all TAs etc., and among others. This paper makes a conclusion that the key purpose was to ensure that the questions asked helped in answering the broader research objective. The list of questions compiled was extensive and comprehensive and enabled access to crucial information regarding the state of water supply in the country.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Large Scale Universe Essay Example for Free
Large Scale Universe Essay Cosmology, as defined by Encarta Dictionary is â€Å"the philosophical study of the nature of the universe. †This concern with viewing the universe and its vast issues and meaning takes the mind into a mysterious spectrum. The very foundation of Cosmology began with Astronomer Edwin Hubble in 1929. He discovered that other galaxies existed in the universe and determined that these galaxies were moving away from each other at a rate that was constant with the distance between them. The farther away from Earth the galaxy was, the faster they would be traveling away from us. In theory, this also proved that universe was expanding. This discovery assisted the profound astronomer with formulating Hubble’s Law, which directly contributed to giving astronomers the keys to discovering how old our universe is and proving that the universe is expanding. The Big Bang theory is the most notable theory about the creation of our universe, which happened more than 14 billion years ago. The process began to expand from particles released from the superior explosion and dropping temperatures. The process started as a small speck of matter and formed into a dense object as large as Earth from radiant energy and exotic particles called quarks or antiquarks. As the temperature dropped during this process, things such as protons and neutrons began to form together creating helium nuclei over a period of a few hundred thousand years. More than two billion years after the Big Bang, galaxies began to form as gravity started to collect and mass together irregular matter forming a sponge type structure. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, forms one billion years after this mark. Star clusters form from inside a giant sphere of gas and spiral arms take shape as settling gas forms into a disk shape displaying a centered core like formation. One example scientist conducted to prove the Big Bang Theory were scientist Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who discovered cosmic microwave radiation in 1965 from the Holmdel antenna in New Jersey. They discovered that residue left over from the Big Bang explosion was forming low-level radiation pockets throughout the universe. This discovery along with Hubbles Law stating that galaxies were traveling away from us, builds a sturdy case in support of the big bang theory. The Milky Way galaxy is only one out of billions of galaxies floating throughout this vast space. It is flat in shape with a central bulge spiral shaped galaxy that carries more than 100 billion stars and is 100,000 light years in diameter. According to the Cosmic Perspective, â€Å"If dark matter is indeed the most common form of massing galaxies, it must have provided most of the gravitational attraction responsible for creating the protogalactic clouds. The hydrogen and helium gas in the protogalactic clouds collapsed inward and gave birth to stars, while weakly interacting dark matter remained in the outskirts because of its inability to radiate away orbital energy. According to this model, the luminous matter in each galaxy must still be nestled inside the larger cocoon of dark matter that initiated the galaxy’s formation, just as observational evidence seems to suggest. †Dark energy, discovered in 1998 by a team of three Astronomers, Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess, observed exploding stars to gather numbers for data to support the expanding universe. While attempting to grasp a better understanding of supernovae’s, they stumbled across evidence that supported the universe was expanding, but at an accelerated pace. This discovery, in an ongoing effort, changed our view of the expanding universe. Scientist do not know exactly why the universe is expanding at this rate, but dark energy seems to be forcing galaxies and large amounts of matter apart. The destiny of our universe relies on whether gravity can hold this force back from expanding rapidly. However, evidence shows that gravity is growing weaker even when matter is factored in. This proves that the rapidly expanding universe is not only increasing, but also will not stop increasing. The Theory of Everything stated by Brian Greene, is the theory to end theories. He states, â€Å"For the first time in the history of physics we therefore have a framework with the capacity to explain every fundamental feature upon which the universe is constructed. For this reason string theory is sometimes described as possibly being the, theory of everything (T. O. E. ) or the ultimate or final theory. These grandiose descriptive terms are meant to signify the deepest possible theory of physicsâ€â€a theory that underlies all others, one that does not require or even allow for a deeper explanatory base†(Brian Greene, Theory of Everything, October 28, 2003). This theory projects a meaning for everything created in the universe down to the smallest particle all the way up to the largest particle, including all matter and its fundamental principles would be explained down to the deepest explanation at microscopic levels. This final theory would represent an unwavering support of rationality that would forever declare that the universe is an absolute intelligent source.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Medical Experience :: essays research papers
A Medical Experience It was the end of a normal day at the station. The medics are just getting to bed after running a half a dozen calls for an assorted minor medical and trauma problems. The paperwork was finished. The reports were entered into the computer. The truck was even restocked. They were just about into dreamland but, as with most nights at this particular station, sleep was not to be. Several miles away, in a small, well kept apartment, Angie Briggs, a eighty-year-old woman awoke to the feeling that the life-giving air was being denied to her. She tried to sit up, but the feeling would not subside. Walking made it worse. She also noticed that, even though the temperature in her room was comfortable, she was dripping with sweat. The longer that she waited, the harder it became to breath. So, realizing the fact that her doctor was probably asleep, she did the next logical step, she called her daughter, who lives in another state. The daughter realized that her mother needed more help than she could give over the phone, tried to persuade the mother to call an ambulance, which, of course, the mother refused to do, stating that it wasn't necessary. The daughter then took it upon herself to call EMS from her own house. The medics were notified of the problem through the usual method, a series of tones over a radio that cause a loud horn to blare and all the station lights to come on, much to the annoyance of the fire lieutenant. This alarm was immediately followed by the dispatchers voice giving all the applicable information on this call. "Med unit 2, respiratory call, 103 Royal Terrace Boulevard, apartment 7, in reference to a 80 year old woman with shortness of breath." Not that the EMS crew were listening at this point. They are busy getting into their jumpsuits and putting their boots on. It does not matter if they are eating, sleeping, watching TV, or even taking a shower, they are required to be in the ambulance and en route to the scene within two minutes. "Med Two's en route." Stated EMT Jennifer Meyers in a sleepy voice " Copy med 2 is en route to 103 Royal Terrace Blvd., apartment 7." Now they are listening. "This is in reference to a 80 year-old female who is in severe respiratory distress. Received the call from her daughter that is out of state. Patient sounds very short of breath." "Copy" "I'm pretty sure that it is in the first entrance into the apartment
Monday, November 11, 2019
Carl Jung’s Theory Essay
Carl Jung tackled personality and ‘psychological types’ (also referred to as Jung’s psychological types) from a perspective of clinical psychoanalysis. He was one of only a handful of psychologists in his era to maintain that development is never unchanging, but in fact actually grows through childhood, adolescence, mid-life and into old age. He concentrated on establishing and developing a relationship between conscious and unconscious processes. Jung believed that there was a interchange between the conscious and unconscious and without it the unconscious processes could weaken and possibly endanger the personality and this is seen in one of his central concepts of individuation. He believed that individuation is a continuous process of personal development that involves founding a connection between the ego and the self and that it could be brought to its highest realisation if worked with and the unconscious was confronted. Jung, (as did Freud) , referred to the ego when explaining the more conscious aspect of personality. However he (unlike Freud) thought the unconscious side of the personality was equal in status, and complimentary to that of the conscious. He referred to the integrated personality as Self; the centre of the total psyche, incorporating both the conscious and the unconscious. The Self includes all of a person’s qualities and potentials whether or not they become apparent at a particular stage of life. Therefore the goal of therapy is to guide the client to become a whole a human being as personal circumstances will allow. It was from Jung’s confrontation with the unconscious, in himself and his patients, that he gradually elaborated his psychology. His book Psychological Types (1921) worked as the compass by which he tried to understand how he differed from both Freud and Adler, but more importantly, could begin to chart the internal world of people. He considered spirituality a central part of the human journey (indeed there is a whole literature relating Jungian psychology and spirituality, primarily from a Christian perspective) and had a deep appreciation of creative life. Jung’s description of personality states that in order to identify a psychological type it is necessary to discover whether a person is oriented primarily toward his inner world Introversion or toward external reality Extroversion. These were known as the fundamental attitude of the individual to emphasise its importance: Introverts Are people who prefer their internal world of thoughts, feelings, fantasies, dreams, and so on. Extroverts These people prefer the external world of things and people and activities. In todays world these words have become confused with ideas like shyness and sociability, partially because introverts tend to be shy and extroverts tend to be sociable. But Jung intended for them to refer more to whether you (â€Å"ego†) more often faced toward the persona and outer reality, or toward the collective unconscious and its archetypes. In that sense, the introvert is somewhat more mature than the extrovert. Our culture, of course, values the extrovert much more. Jung warned that we all tend to value our own type most, This reality is still applicable to therapists today as it is important not to allow personal feelings to take place when working with clients. Both introvert and extravert overrate their strengths and each of them tends to undervalue the other. To the extravert, the introvert seems egotistical and dull, and to the introvert, the extravert appears superficial and insincere. Jung believed that a person remained an extravert or introvert without change for the whole of his life, and that heredity determines whether the libido is directed inward or outward. Whether a person is an introvert or extrovert they need to deal with both their inner and outer world. And each has their preferred way of dealing with it, ways which they are comfortable with and good at. This hypothesised stability of the introversion-extroversion trait is consistent with empircal research using Non-Jungian measures of introversion and extraversion. We now find the introvert-extravert dimension in several theories, notably Hans Eysenck’s. :- Eysenck (1916 – 1997) In Eysenck’s view people are biosocial animals and that psychology stands at the crossroads of biological sciences and social sciences. He states that psychology must become more of a true science with methodology in all that the therapist does in order to permit personality theorists to make predictions that can be tested and therefore make possible the development of the causal theory of personality, which he believes will inevitably help the therapist with clients presenting problems. Eysenck believed that from a scientific angle, Jung’s contribution to the study of personality types had been largely negative as he permitted mystical notions to override empirical data and sought to go beyond descriptive analysis to the causal analysis of personality. Eysenck went on to review the theories and came to the conclusion that most people fall somewhere between the middle of the two extremes of those whose emotions are liable and easily aroused and those who are stable and less easily aroused. He suggested that the basic dimensions of personality may be summarised as shown in.(Figure 2) below (Figure 2) Further work by Eysenck tied personality differences to visceral brain activity and he showed that because introverts have sensitive nervous systems they are more easily conditioned and that also makes them more vulnerable to anxiety based neuroses if the visceral brain activity is high, whereas the extravert has a less sensitive and more inhibited cortical process and therefore are slow to develop conditioned response. Because socialized behavior depends on a well conditioned response in childhood extraverts were more likely to develop psychopathic disorders if their visceral brain activity is high. This theory is hypthetical and Eysenck realized that his hypothesis â€Å"must stand and fall by empirical confirmation†(1965) Despite his scientific data Eysenck, like Jung, advocated that human behaviour has both biological and social causes but that there is a strong genetic component. Perhaps therapists could look at the behaviour and traits of a client’s close family when working with them in order to better understand the â€Å"nature/nurture debate†Jung associated the conscious part of the psyche (ego) to an island that rises out of the sea. We notice only the part above the water, even though there is a greater land mass below the water – much like an iceberg, the unconscious lies below. The personal unconscious is a reservoir of experience unique to each individual consisting of perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories that have been put to one side or repressed but not always covered by sea and therefore can be reclaimed. Whereas the personal unconscious is unique to every individual, the collective unconscious is shared or â€Å"transpersonal†and consists of certain potentialities that we all share because of our human nature, because we all live in groups and in some form of society or family life. He believed that the collective unconscious did not develop individually but was inherited and consisted of pre- existent forms, the archetypes. An archetype is a universal thought form or predisposition to respond to the world in certain ways and is crucial to Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious because it emphasises potentialities in which we may express our humanness. He believed that they appeared to us in dreams, art, ritual, myths and symptoms. Jung suggested that people tend to develop two functions, usually one rational function Jung suggested that people tend to develop two functions, usually one Rational functionand one Irrational function. There are four basic ways, or psychological functions which are thinking, feeling, sensation or intuition; one of these becomes the primary or dominant function and the other the auxiliary function. (See Figure 3) on next page. Jung’s Four Psychological Functions Figure 3 Therefore it is unusual to find thinking and feeling sensation and intuition, develop in the same person. The dominant function is directed toward external reality if the person is an extravert, or toward the inner world if the person in an introvert. The rational functions of thinking and feeling can be conceived as a pair of opposites as can the irrational functions of sensation and intuition. The extraverted thinking sensation type would have an introverted feeling-intuitive shadow and vice-versa. (See Figure 4 below) Thinking Thinking EXTRAVERSION EXTRAVERSION CONSCIOUSNESS CONSCIOUSNESS INTROVERSION INTROVERSION SHADOW SHADOW Feeling Feeling Fig 5. Adapted from Cloniger (2000b) and Engler (1999 These eight psychetypes are useful in giving the therapist a more complete picture of the client’s personality and help to identify the function that the individual uses for dealing with the less preferred direction, known as the auxiliary function. Jung cautioned that types rarely occur in a pure form and that there is a wide range of variation within each type, that people of a specific type may change as their personal collective unconscious changes in response to external or indeed internal influences which will motivate the individual to seek change in their lives. The therapist needs to be aware of that every client responds differently. Jung viewed emotional disturbance as a person’s attempt to reconcile the contradictory aspects of personality. One side of the psyche, such as the conscious, adaptive, social persona, may be exaggerated at the expense of the darker, unconscious aspects, the shadow side :- Example:- The Extraverted sensation types who may appear to be superficial and soulless and actively seek thrills and distractions but have a shadow side of intuition which when activated by an inner event will gives rise to negative hunches that are way off beam and may manifest as paranoid or hostile behaviour for no apparent reason. (Stevens 1994b Critics of Jung A criticism of Jung’s theory was his lack of empirical research in which his theory has been attacked as being â€Å"non-falsifiable and unscientific†(Herenhahn. 994 p.33) Jung based his psychology on explorations of his own inner world, as well as his work with people ranging from â€Å"normal†to those with neurotic problems and even those suffering from psychosis (Snowdon, 2010. P.XXV1). Eysenck was also a critic see section on (Eysenck). However, Jung was unconcerned claiming that he â€Å"cannot experience himself as a scientific problem. Myth is more individual and expresses life more precisely than does science (Stevens. 2001. P.156) How might Jung’s Theory usefully help a client and determine therapeutic goals:- It is necessary to determine whether a person is primarily orientated toward their inner (introversion) or outer world (extraversion) and next to assess which are the dominant and auxillary psychological functions of the client. Jung said that people connect ideas, feelings, experiences and information by way of associations in the unconscious in such a way as to affect their behavior. These groupings he named as Complexes They may be organised around a particular person or object and the therapist may use this knowledge to bring to the forefront of the client’s consciousness a situation which they may be finding difficult to disengage from such as the case that Jung wrote of where a man who knew that he was suffering from an imaginary growth but could not stop himself from believing it. Although in todays world we have such tools as MRI’s and other techniques to help people see that their unconscious worries are unfounded, I still think that counseling and cognitive therapy can/may be appropriate. The therapeutic goal of Jungian therapy is to help the client reconcile unbalanced aspects of their personality which present in a number of differing ways of Psychological disturbance.:-Examples include: extreme negativity, addictions, degrees of paranoia, sudden religious conversion, inappropriate attachments to unsuitable partners, hysteria, mania, depression, hypochondria’s or schizoid personality traits ( as Jung himself had as a boy) By understanding his theory and how each type may present the therapist can help them unlock the shadow sides of their personality. It is a process in which the client is helped to come to terms with the place of self within their own world and also to help them see that they are part of a greater collective unconscious. Much of Jung’s work was about the interconnectedness of all people and cultures which in today’s world is a helpful to us. The use of appropriate assessment techniques can be invaluable in helping a therapist to develop the untapped potential within the individual. Jung was of the opinion that treatment along certain prescribed lines according to a certain school of thought does not always work. And finding about the person’s personality type should help a therapist to establish which treatment method should work best for that particular person. For some people it is feeling accepted by others in which case the person centred approach would be most appropriate whereas others are very goal oriented, not so much in touch with their feelings and like to work with targets and see results quickly. For such people the cognitive behaviour approach would be the most appropriate Further Jung believes that the opposite poles attract but at the same time will find themselves in conflict later on in a relationship. By helping the client become aware the therapist will be able to help the client realise what works and does not work in their relationship. People’s values, attitudes or beliefs are not part of a person’s psyche however personality can certainly contribute towards influencing these. Jung was convinced that our personalities never become stati so there is a potential for us to grow throughout our lives and we can never quite say that our growth has finished. Indeed I find myself on this journey of self discovery and am finding the real me as opposed to how others would like to view me. I am unearthing what drives me, what my purpose is and how I want to get there. These wide possibilities are there also for each client when they come for therapy. The more the counsellor is able to learn about their self and promote growth the better the therapeutic relationship and the more progress the client can make. There might also be a breakthrough for clients who are not very happy in their jobs or for those who are not quite sure about the direction they want to follow in their career choices. Clients might therefore get an idea about the types of jobs that would suit their particular personality and that could signify another turning point in the counselling process. Learning about our personalities can certainly be very enriching but should not be used to make excuses for the behaviour we are not proud of. I myself have taken the Myers Brigg test (which includes an additional further two categories of preference and perceiving – which in turn multiplied by two Jung’s eight personality types to that of sixteen personality types) with a result of INFJ and learned that my first career preference would be a counselor and indeed that is exactly what I am at this moment trying to achieve and hope that I will become a proficient therapist. I found the test to be invaluable and I must stress that the personality type description fits me fully. I am very creative, practical and always on the lookout for new solutions and ideas. I have a strong desire to help people realise their potential. I am very empathetic and show great intuitive abilities. When I was at school other kids always wanted me to describe what a new teacher would be like and I never failed by just looking at her or him once in the corridor. I am aware that I enjoy spending time on my own to renew myself and in order to do that I like to unwind in a really peaceful place. Ever since I was small I never liked conflict and there always seemed a lot of it going around in my family. But I actually am happy to enter it to help resolve it. I certainly enjoy being active and look out for the next challenge. And perhaps some might find me stubborn if I am given advice as I tend to stick to my intuitive feelings. If my clients find out which personality type they are it might help them make sense of things they did not even understand about themselves – helping them to see how they interact with others and how they view themselves. This essay has been an enlightening journey of discovery of not only Jung’s theory but thins I have discovered about myself on a personal level. I hope that when I eventually become a therapist I can use this skill and my clients can benefit in the same way I have. Conclusion Whilst Jung’s theories are widely used in psychodynamics and personality testing in todays world, it should be recognized that this theory about different types of human personalities is a psychological approach to growth and wholeness. The therapeutic goal of Jungarian therapy is to help the client reconcile unbalanced aspects of their personality which may present in a number of differing ways of psychological disturbances (mentioned above) and physical illness, and obsessions. I therefore feel that understanding Jung’s theory and how each type may present gives me as a therapist the ability to help the client gradually strip away the shadow side of their personality, the negative aspect that they will need to address. This will be a process of individuation in which the client is helped towards the conscious realization and fulfillment of their unique self and to help them see that they are a part of a greater collective unconscious. In conclusion, I agree that understanding personality types, whether it is Jung’s theory or Eysencks is very important in helping me as a therapist, and my client in reaching their goal/s. By my being aware of the strength of my clients psyche it could help me begin to work on weaker areas, therefore helping my client to find meaning within their own world and moving towards their true self. References Boeree G. (2006) Carl Jung 1875 – 1961 Accessed 28/08/10 Cloniger S. C. ( 2000) Theories of personality: understanding Persons(3rd Ed) Engler, B. (1999)Personality theories, an introduction. Eysenck , H.J. (1982) Personality, genetics and behaviour: Selected papers. Eysenck, H. J. (1990). Biological dimensions of personality. In L. A. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (pp. 244-276). Frager, R., & Fadiman, J. (2005). Excerpt from Personality and Personal Growth ( Fordam, F (1953) An introduction to Jung’s psychology.Baltimore. Penguin. In Engler, B. (1999)Personality theories, an introduction Furnam, A (1990) Can people accurately estimate their own personality test scores? European Journal of Personality, 4(4), 319-327 in Engler, B. (1999) Personality theories, an introduction.p87 (5th Ed) Jung C, (1933) Jung ‘Psychological Theory of Types’. Modern Man in Search of a Soul , p. 98 (cf. C.W., 6). O’Roark, A.M. (1990). Comment on Cowan’s interpretation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Jung’s psychological functions.Journal of Personality Assessment , 58, 277-299 in Cloniger S. C. ( 2000) Theories of personality: understanding Persons Stevens, A. (1994a)Jung A Very Short Introduction. p38. Stevens, A. (1994b) Jung A Very Short Introduction. Ruth Snowden. The key ideas 2011 Ruth Snowden – Teach yourself Jung
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Scientific Management in Mcdonald’s Operation
This is an essay about scientific management in McDonald’s operation, I believe the largest fast food McDonald’s is the most successful model on scientific management. Scientific management is a branch of classical approach; Taylor said scientific management is standardisation which means people in organization should be uniformed by company rules or policy which are some written documents. Scientific management is a very important part in management area, since look at the history of management. People are living in different groups such as school, factory, hospital and company etc. If there is no group to organize people’s life, then our society won’t be developed so far. But only organize people is not enough, we also need to manage those people to do their job more efficient. So scientific management is a system learns from previous experience. The reason we using McDonald’s example in this assignment, because it’s the largest fast food organization in the world and also it the most successful case for scientific management. McDonald’s management system is perfectly following scientific management system from producing to selling, even though McDonald’s brother never studied ‘scientific management’ (Eric, 2001, p. 9). McDonald’s is the largest franchising cooperation in the world, so it must deeply understand the concept ‘copy’ and ‘standardization’. In the rest of the essay I would like to write this topic with indentify four key scientific management concepts, and how th ey applied in McDonald’s case. Also I am going to discuss four critical arguments according to those four concepts. Treat people like a machine is one of the concepts in scientific management. By my own understanding, this concept means letting people to do the same job again and again to maximising organizational profit. As Hawthorne said management system of treating people like a machine will improve the productivity efficiently. ( Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. , 2008, p 95). People working in McDonald’s must follow its instruction to do the job, normally one person in one position. People don’t have to move too much steps in their work place. McDonald’s has their own ‘Made for you’ system, which means they make fresh when you order. For example, when custom order a ‘big mac’ combo, people who making buns will toast the bun and pass it on to the person who making burgers, and wrapping it up ready for the custom. People who dose fries will put it into the box, finally people who in the front counter puts all these together for the customer. Everyone in McDonald’s just dose their job and pass it to the next. Each person repeatable does their own job for that shift. So working in McDonald’s doesn’t need too much skill, but a highly repeatable job, and this is the main point of scientific management. Efficient achievement of clear organizational goals is another main concept of scientific management, as Taylor said ‘management should maximum benefits for both employers and employees’ (Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. , 2008, p 91 ). Therefore, employer’s benefit is getting maximum profit by minimum cost. Scientific ordering people to do the job is the essential element in scientific management, for example, two people equally to do one project may not do it efficiently. However, if we order one person to do the main part, the other one as the supporter then the result would be more efficient. That is scientific distribution. In another word, the managers need to clearly understand organizational goals and efficiently achieve it no matter what method they use. (John, 1982, p 159). In McDonald’s case, their goal is making maximum burgers in certain time; therefore, scientific management instead of people management is the only way to reach this goal. In New Zealand, more and more 24hrs McDonald’s opened in last 5 years, I remember in 2002, McDonald’s in New Zealand normally open from 7am to 10pm. From 2005, McDonald’s started using ‘Made for you’ system; this is a classical scientific system since employee must follow particular instruction making the food, therefore, this system save 80% waste compare with before. The big saving is also the profits for the organization. In other way, this improves the efficiency of the achievement. Every organization has its own policy and procedures; they are standardising and consisting the company by these policies and procedures. Policy and procedure are some written documents. Organize a small group may use people management, since there is a certain size to limit; however, if only use people management to manage large company like McDonald’s won’t be that easy. Scientific management will be perfectly suit large organization; McDonald’s is the most successful case in the management world. McDonald’s regulate each product in certain cooking time, for example, 3 minutes for fries, chicken patty for 100 seconds, 9 pieces 10:1 patties each grill, and 6 for 4:1 patty. So every crew in McDonald’s learning all these procedures by doing their job. Each of them follows the procedure and supervisor’s instruction to make sure keeping the same standard of McDonald’s all around the world. The result of the costing price dropped with a huge number since people clearly follows the procedure; so today custom can enjoy the same quality of service at any McDonald’s in the world. People like making decision by their feelings, however, intuitions are not always right. So compare with that, systematic analysis is more accurate and efficient in the organization. Systematic analysis is a main and key period of scientific management. The main job is the communication between analyser and customers. Back to McDonald’s case, people who work in marketing department need a research of what’s hot and what’s not of their products, and then they need to get information from customers, frontline employees and some publics. So after analysis the report, they get a proper result much more accurate than just feel from the daily experience. Nothing is perfect, even though scientific management is a great management system it still having some disadvantages in some situations. Treat people like a machine is the classic sign of scientific management, personally I worked as a part timer for McDonald’s for one year, I have to say this management system is great for efficient performance, at the mean time it makes me feel really like a machine not a human. By the way, they pay minimum wages but actually hard works. So I wasn’t enjoy working there at that time, that’s why fast food organization like McDonald’s always has high staff turnover rate; because they don’t treat people properly so young people like us only go there for money and some experience. Made for you†system give mistake rate a big drop, but old employees still missing the old system a lot. Before ‘MFY’ came into McDonald’s, we feel McDonald’s like a big family, we like to asking front counter people how many burger they need, and how many fries we need to prepare; but now it all controlled by computer, there is no communicatio n, no decision making and no interaction at all. Sometimes I found I lost myself, I am just a burger making machine. One key concept of scientific management is copying; repeating work is the main responsibility of workers. It is good on keeping low cost of mistake, but people stay in the same environment and copying same working from the past. This restricts innovation and creativity from both managers and workers. McDonald’s main menu hasn’t been changed for over 30 years; it’s hard for them to create new products. Also it will be a huge cost of getting a new line of new products because each product in McDonald’s has its own production line; such as special machine for buns, regulation on oven size, same size of patties and so on. (Kincheloe, 2002, p. 59). Standardizing is an important element of creating global brand; managing big organization all around the world must keep them on same standard, and then people trust this brand. Customer keeps the company running is the basic concept for any business. Keep good standard is the most important guarantee for the company; however customer may get tired of eating same food in a long term period. Policy and procedure are two key things to keep the standard of the company, good policy and procedure will reduce cost and mistake, but also decrease employees’ skill development and regulate them to know more inside McDonald’s. This could make people unsatisfied with their job. (Pica vet, 2009). Since McDonald’s opens everywhere in the world, each country has different culture and background, too much policy and procedure will restrict their development in certain countries. Systematic analysis is doing well in McDonald’s case; it’s a great idea in management. Things are always good and bad, systematic analysis gets information and after select useful information it makes result. From science point of view, that’s more accurate than experience management. In contrast, people who become manager levels depend on their experience more than the ability of systematic analysis. Business is a real world, it is a real practise. So sometimes manages make decision from their past experience are more efficient. This essay is around scientific management concepts and how it applies in McDonald’s operation. Scientific management is a system using data analysis and build a scientific production line to get maximum profits for both employer and employee. The essay introduced four main concepts of scientific management including: treat people like a hand rather than a people; Focus on efficient achievement on clear goal; standardising through policy and procedures and using scientific analysis rather than intuitions. The final part of the essay I discussed four arguments based on those four concepts, it shows both advantages and disadvantages in real life. Reference Campling, J. , Poole, D. , Wiesner, R. , Ang, E. S. , Chan, B. , Tan, W. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. (2008). Management (3rd Asia-Pacific Ed. ) Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons. Eric, S. 2001). Fast food nation: the dark side of the all American meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. John, E. K. (1982). Scientific management, job redesign, and work performance. London; New York: Academic Press. Jonathan, R. t. ( 2005 ). Organization theory and public management. Belmont, Calif: Thomason/ Wadsworth. Kincheloe, J. L. (2002). The sign of the burger: McDonald’s and the cultur e of power. United State: Temple University Press. Picavet, E. (2009). Opportunities and pitfalls for ethical analysis in operations research and the management sciences. Omega; Dec 2009, Vol. 37 Issue 6, p 1121-1131, 11p.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Kindred Spirits Essays - Collin, Bogle, Free Essays, Term Papers
Kindred Spirits Essays - Collin, Bogle, Free Essays, Term Papers Kindred Spirits The Bogles Collin Bogle grew up in Northwestern Washington. As a kid he liked to spend his time outdoors, fishing, roller-blading, or riding his mountain bike. His father, Lee Bogle, was an art teacher in high school and even when Collin showed extraordinary artistic abilities it was still thought that he would be an accountant. Lee Bogle was absolutely amazed with Collins ability. Today both Lee and Collin Bogle are professional artists. Both father and son live in Seattle and live 10 minutes apart. They both excel at realistic detail, if you saw their art, however, no one would guess their close connection. Lee Bogle, after painting wildlife subjects most of his life, has moved back to his first love- the human figure. He is best known for his Native American depictions in flowing backgrounds. Now he has shifted to ballet dancers. Unlike his father, Collin Bogle has moved toward wildlife. He takes adventures through the woods near his house with a camera looking for surprises. Drawing and painting were major passions for Lee Bogle, even in childhood. He pursued his art during evenings and weekends for twenty years while teaching during the day. He worked in stained glass, pottery, and even dipped into sculpture. His portrait work provided supplemental income for the family. As the demand for his prints increased, the tedious hand-coloring process consumed his time. So he hired Collin, his teenage son, as an apprentice. He assisted his father for several years, learning color and many techniques. Next, Lee experimented with oil pastel drawings against the free- form colors of the wash. He found the combination of abstract backgrounds and detailed drawings suited him. Eventually he moved to human figures as subjects. When Collin was still young he never imagined a career in art. Even after winning the most likely to succeed in art award he still never imagined pursuing anything. It wasnt until one of his fathers first publishers saw one of his paintings and asked him to do a print that he realized his capabilities. In order to get to his goal of being a professional artist Collin used to always ask his father to critique his paintings. Nowadays its gotten to the point where Lee is sometimes asking his son for advice. Most of Collins paintings start with extensive photography. He can sometimes spend up to twenty minutes photographing the same tree. He likes the peacefulness and freedom of being alone in the nature. Even though Collin may seem like a down to earth kind of guy, his techniques for composing his paintings are very modern. He usually starts by getting an idea for his next work on his computer. He will scan his photographs of animals and scenery into his computer and take it from there. He sometimes likes to change positions of objects, reverses images and adjusts sizes, colors and brightness. Usually to begin a painting Collin will airbrush the canvas a few tones darker than he wants the finished product to look. Then he works from dark to light using colored pencils and finishes with water based pastels. This technique has proven to make his works go by muck quicker. Collins most well known skill is the ability to portray lighting in a very dramatic way. He considers this extremely vital to any composition. The advantage that Collin appreciates most is having an artist for a father. When Collin was nervous about some of his first shows Lee was always there for him to provide support and advice. At the age of twenty- five Collin has never held a full time job other than being an artist. Even though Collin has experienced a very early success he is still humble and aware of who helped get to where he is. Lee Bogle is very proud of his son not because he is a good artist but because he is a good person. Opinion I thought that this article was very touching. Its an exciting story about a good relationship between father and son. Its amazing how they both can stay very honest to each other and offer constructive criticism without getting caught up in the relationship as father and son. It makes for a good balance that can only have an outcome
Monday, November 4, 2019
Introduction to Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Introduction to Business - Essay Example Moreover, a diverse work force gives the employees an opportunity to focus on their jobs or responsibilities without having to worry about being targeted for discrimination. In conclusion, it also attracts other people from the same gender and race to the organization thereby attracting customers and new talents. Best Buy’s trip to Memphis encourages racial diversity since it reminds the managers about the Civil rights Movement. In addition, this trip gives them the first-hand look on the struggles that African Americans went through as a result, of race discrimination. Moreover, it gives them an insight on the achievements of the individuals that led the Civil rights Movement gained. Therefore, this helps the managers to gain a deeper understanding on how important it is to include other races in their workforce, and to avoid racial discrimination. Besides, they learn the benefits of being tolerant with people from diverse racial backgrounds. In addition, the trip enables managers to take the message of importance of racial diversity back to the other employees. Thus, this trip makes the message of racial diversity more meaningful to the whole workforce. After the trip, it is probable that employees and managers will be more educated on the issue of racial diversity and therefore mot ivating them to work together. Best Buy is a large retail company, it has many branches nationwide and it is viewed as a national retail company. This means that it deals with a diverse base of customers, from various racial backgrounds. In addition, this makes it vital for this company to have a diverse workforce that meets diverse needs of their customers. Therefore, customers are able to relate better with a workforce that belongs to the same race as they do. Moreover, the workforce is able to understand the needs of their wide base of customers since they understand various races and their traditions. Racial diversity also attracts customers since they appreciate
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Logistic management or supply chain management select one topic only Dissertation
Logistic management or supply chain management select one topic only - Dissertation Example Using case study research method, secondary data will be collected from different literature regarding the selected firms which include text books, journal and news articles. The next section on findings and discussion will analyse the two companies and how and what lean approaches are used to enhance operations in logistics. Finally, all the findings will be summarized and recommendations will be given on research and study. This study analyse the state of two logistic companies and their approach to the lean concept. It was found out that two companies have tried to initiate a number of lean methods’ but still a lot remains to be done. There were significant losses that were covered by the company management in both cases, by effective implementation of lean logistics approach. INTRODUCTION Optimizing a business process is essential to the long term success of the business and its returns. However, this process is complex owing to the diversity of activities, departments, an d varied requirements of each business process, especially the process industries, (Taylor, 2003). This paper conducts a study on the logistics sector companies to analyse their current operations with a lean approach and subsequently suggest improvements to enhance their logistics operations. Research Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the current state of affairs in the field of lean logistics concepts while giving a brief study upon the theory of constraints which is similar to lean concept of management. Analyse the implication of lean concepts of management on two logistics companies and how have they been able to implement and execute the methods and related technologies. Research objectives To cite the concept of lean theory and theory of constraints with relevant literature To critically review the theory and relate them to practice of the management To recommend for the solutions to enhance logistics operations The paper has been divided into different sections. Sec tion one will refer the relevant literature regarding Lean concepts of management and theory of constraints. Section two will discuss the methodology of research design and techniques used to such implications for the selected firms. Using case study research method, secondary data will be collected from different literature regarding the selected firms which include text books, journal and news articles. Section three would help to analyze the data of the selected firms. Finally, all the findings will be summarized and recommendations will be given on research and study. LITERATURE REVIEW TOC CONCEPT Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Lean concept have become popular in recent years. The objectives of these two are the same – to provide process optimizations and performance improvements. TOC focuses the attention of the management to avoid and eliminate the few present constraints in the system. Lean approach assists managers to improve performances by eliminating all the waste activities. The TOC concepts have proved to be quite profitable by reducing inventories and lead times, and enhancing the operations within a value chain, (Eric,, 1995). Giving a brief about TOC, the TOC views organizations as a source of resources which are actually interlinked with the various activities and processes. TOC further states a constraint as one that has the ability to limit the performance of the system. TOC is of the perspective that in
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