Monday, December 23, 2019
Sustainable Architecture Meeting the Needs of this...
Sustainable architecture is a specific kind of design which focuses on meeting the needs of these generations without compromising the needs of those generations to come. Architects from around the world have become aware of the impact that society has on the environment, and have created sustainable architecture in order to help preserve the environment, but at the same time, create comfortable spaces that are ideal for living and are aesthetically pleasing. This innovative architecture has attracted many architects from all over the world, in order to implement these new structures into every day life. Despite the different climates and conditions around the globe, sustainable architecture can be developed in order to satisfy the needs†¦show more content†¦The summit at Rio de Janeiro was a wake up call for the metropolises. It was necessary to develop in such a way that it was not so invasive on the environment. According to the Brundtland Report: â€Å"in developing cou ntries few municipal governments possess the necessary amount of energy, resources, and qualified staff to supply the rapidly increasing population with the services and utilities indispensable to a decent human life†(Gyorgy Kunszt, Sustainable Architecture, 6). It is because of such conditions that illegal constructions have taken place, in order to satisfy the needs of the rapidly increasing population. However, this does not mean that the constructions are adequate either for the environment or for a human being. After analyzing important documents such as the Brundtland Report, the summit at Rio de Janeiro became crucial in the development of the idea of sustainable architecture and development. The guidelines for these ideas were under the title of â€Å"Tasks for the 21st Century†. The bases for what are today’s sustainable architectural standards are located in this document. The achievements at the Rio de Janeiro Conference were crucial in order to begin changing the ideas that had been established and changing them into what would be considered the beginning of a new age in architecture. Sustainable architecture is one of the small steps mankind is taking in order toShow MoreRelatedGreen Building Practices Plan And Its Effect On The Ecological Effect Of Building2548 Words  | 11 PagesGREEN BUILDINGS 3 2.1 LIFE CYCLE ASSESMENT 3 3. GROWTH OF GREEN BUILDINGS IN INDIA 4 3.1 GREEN BUILDING MAKES GOOD BUSINESS SENSE 4 3.2 MARKET TRANSFORMATION 4 3.4 INCREASED MARKET POTENTIAL FOR GREEN BUILDING PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES 5 4. 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