Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Create and Evaluate a Code of Conduct
A corporate Code of Conduct, now and again likewise refered to as Code of Ethics, causes an organization to show to every single included gathering, inside and outer, the principles that administer its lead, in this way passing on its promise to capable practice any place it works. As you most likely are aware, there have been numerous ongoing legitimate and paralegal activities to advance or require great lead by partnerships. Since there are presently such huge numbers of these rules, it isn't easy to get a review, so you're ready to rapidly survey if your association's Code of Conduct is ‘worldclass'. A helpful article in the HBR of Dec 2005 by Professors Lynn Paine, Rohit Deshpande, Joshua D. Margolis, and Kim Eric Bettcher may help: it gives a valuable diagram of all (? ) things that ought to be considered in any Corporate Code of Conduct. The creators recommend 8 administering moral standards which accepted together they call: The Global Business Standards Codex (GBS Codex). These 8 standards to make or assess a Code of Conduct and their most significant perspectives are: The Fiduciary Principle (Diligence, Loyalty). The Property Principle (Protection, Theft). The Reliability Principle (Contracts Premises, Commitments). The Transparency Principle (Thruthfulness, Deception, Disclosure, Candor, Objectivity). The Dignity Principle (Respect for the Individual, Health and Safety, Privacy and Confidentiality, Use of Force, Associatiation and Expression, Learning and Development, Employment Security). The Fairness Principle (Fair Dealing, Fair Treatment, Fair Competition, Fair Process). The Citizenship Principle (Law and Regulation, Public Goods, Cooperation with Authorities, Political Noninvolvement, Civic Contribution, . The Responsiveness Principle (Addressing Concerns, Public Involvement).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Three Levels of Products Theory
W2 BA541 Disk Identifying Customers - Essay Example Accordingly, the association could be deciphered as more market-driven, as opposed to client situated (Peppers and Rogers, 2010). Interestingly, Johnson and Johnson’s philosophy is basically expressed as â€Å"the values that direct our dynamic are explained in Our Credo. Set forth plainly, Our Credo provokes us to put the requirements and prosperity of the individuals we serve first†(Johnson and Johnson, 2014). Clearly, this association is client driven. The impact is in this manner showed as far as one’s trust and pledge to belittle the results of Johnson and Johnson’s increasingly through being guaranteed that they put me first in their responsibility of administration. Thusly, despite the fact that these associations are viewed as huge in scale and their volume of clients (as per items and geographic area), both Unilever and Johnson and Johnson could deal with their information as per items and even, geographic area across various nations; yet, much statistical surveying could have been attempted by Johnson and Johnson to guarantee that the requirements, drives, and requests of the clients are thought about during item improvement, propelling, showcasing, and supporting proceeded with support, in a more drawn out time
Monday, July 27, 2020
Dewey, George
Dewey, George Dewey, George do?o ´e, dyo?o ´â€" [key], 1837â€"1917, American admiral, hero of the battle of Manila, b. Montpelier, Vt., grad. Annapolis, 1858. He saw active duty in the Civil War and rose in the navy in service and rank, becoming chief of the Bureau of Equipment in 1889, president of the Board of Inspection and Survey in 1895, and commodore in 1896. He was unpopular with many high-ranking naval commanders, and it seems to have been through the influence of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt and the direct intervention of President McKinley that Dewey was appointed in 1897 to command the Asiatic squadron. When the Spanish-American War broke out, Dewey was ready. He sailed to Manila, entered the harbor after midnight on May 1, 1898, and engaged the Spanish fleet at dawn. By noon he had destroyed eight Spanish ships with only eight Americans wounded. Manila was at his mercy, but he waited for reinforcements; meanwhile he brought Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino rebel, back from exile to lead a revolution in the Philippines. In maintaining relations with neutral warships at Manila, Dewey had to exercise firmness with the officers of five German ships who would not accede to his blockade rules. When Gen. Wesley Merritt arrived with army forces, the commanders cooperated in capturing Manila. Promoted to admiral of the navy in 1899, he was feted on his return to the United States with almost hysterical enthusiasm and briefly received wide support as a potential presidential candidate. See his autobiography (1913, repr. 1971); L. H. Healy and L. Kutner, The Admiral (1944); N. Sargent, Admiral Dewey and the Manila Campaign (1947); R. S. West, Admirals of American Empire (1948, repr. 1971). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Friday, May 22, 2020
The American Dream and College Essay - 5160 Words
The American Dream and College My junior year of high school was filled with high emotions, stressful moments, and tension about where to apply to college and where I would be accepted and ultimately attend. At a â€Å"Making the Most out of your Sixth Semester†forum that year, the entire junior class experienced lectures from the school’s college resource counselors about how to prepare for this arduous battle of college admissions. The way Sue Biermert, who is the College Admissions Counselor at my high school, opened the forum was by asking a question to the parents that put everything into perspective: â€Å"How many of you parents feel like you are successful?†Every single hand shot up from the 500 parents in the†¦show more content†¦Though, the majority of students who go through this inevitable admissions procedure typically do not meet the Wizard of Oz after traveling the yellow brick road in hopes of being granted their first choice for higher education. Sue Biermert explained to our junior class that night that life is about taking risks and facing problem after problem. It was obviously not getting any easier by applying to colleges. However, this is what we all had to do in order to feel like our parents in thirty years, because our culture has forced us to be part of the system of going to some sort of university. She admitted that many of us would feel rejected, literally and emotionally, in a year from our top choice. Though, one never knows until you take that leap of faith as she quoted a popular Michael Jordan poster in our Chicago-suburban high school that reads: â€Å"I miss 100% of all the shots I don’t take.†Biermert reiterated to us that we were there that night to be part of the process, therefore we must be willing to tackle the admissions problem head on and do the best we can. The admissions process is analyzed by determining what â€Å"ideal students†are, as a more concrete answer may be deduced about how this admissions game works and how to solve this equation. A profitable university to try and examine is The George Washington University in Washington D.C., as this is the university that I am currently attending.Show MoreRelatedPursuing The American Dream Of Graduating College Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pagesof us. Pursuing the American dream of graduating college can be the best feel ever but it can also cost a price. College tuition is increasing more and more every year due to the fact of the rising economy. With student want to be successful in life they will need an education to a degree, which will land you a decent job in life. The problem is when the cost of gaining that degree outweighs the financial advantage to the career. Many of people are not able to pay for college out of their pocketRead MoreCollege : An American Dre am Or A Financial Nightmare? 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Significance of Objects in the Dolls House - 1789 Words
THE SYMBOLIC SIGNAFICANCE OF OBJECTS IN â€Å"A DOLL’S HOUSE†Hush†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I can hear voices†¦ Macaroons: nora ! Nora! Please don’t leave me and go†¦ why did she leave me half eaten? what is going to happen of me now!! Torvald detests me, he was always against Nora eating me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦why did it have to be me? Dress: everybody adored and praised Nora when she wore me†¦ but alas! What was the use of all my beauty and finery when in the end she left me all alone. Why was I given so much importance if she was to choose her ordinary clothes over me at the end? Letter: exactly! Were we just ornaments to adorn the surroundings? Christmas tree: hmm†¦ now even im wondering if my purpose in the house was of mere decoration. Even in this festive season will I†¦show more content†¦Just as Nora evolves from the mini-Nora of act one to the super-Nora of act three, similarly the set of the play goes through a drastic evolution, from light to darkness, from paradise to prison until, by the end of the play, it has been ethically demolished. One could imagine the doll house set, when Nora slams the door, collapsing like a house of cards, to the collective gasp of relief from the audience. Looking at the set we see, that Ibsen makes use of a triad, a room . two doors in the rear wall, the door on the left leads to Torvald’s study, and is opened and closed only when he chooses. It represents the sanctum sanctorum of male dominance and decision-making authority and security and his invisible presence behind that door is felt god like. Whenever he emerges from this door, it is always on his own terms , to direct and control events. The door to the right in the rear wall leads to the outside world. Only damaged people come through this door: Christine, Rank, Krogstad, all of whom have been variously hurt by the world outside. So this door represents the menacing reality of the outside world, its power to hurt but also, its power to force- to force one to grow up, to stop being a doll. There is another door, which leads to the nursery and bedroom. This is the world of sexual fantasy, of Nora performing childish roles of squirrel, lark and others to keep Torvald infatuated with her innocence. Here, one can clearly see that Ibsen draws aShow MoreRelatedA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1556 Words  | 7 PagesA Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen is a play which invokes different feelings on the reader. The play was written in 1879, a time in which women had a submissive role to her husband. 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However, many people don t realize thatRead MoreA Doll s House : Dolls2775 Words  | 12 Pages A Doll’s House: Dolls in Real Life Introduction Today, the accepted roles of both women and men judged by society’s expectations is an extremely controversial topic. Feminism is a battle that many women are fighting, because even though today’s women can be and accomplish almost anything, men often play the more superior role in many relationships. The role of women has been viewed differently throughout different points in history and in different areas. However, many people don t realizeRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen2768 Words  | 12 Pages in all areas. Even though many may argue that men have an abuse of power in modern times, women have far more rights in government and society’s standings than they once had . A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen sheds light on the typical role of women in 1870’s Norway, showing how women were treated then: almost as objects with no real important place in society. This gives modern readers a clear view of how many more opportunities that women have nowadays. This essay will combat the derogatory viewRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen2070 Words  | 9 Pages in all areas. Even though many may argue that men have an abuse of power in modern times, women have far more rights in government and society’s standings than they once had . A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen sheds light on the typical role of women in 1870’s Norway, showing how women were treated then: almost as objects with no real important place in society. This gives modern readers a clear view of how many more opportunities that women have nowadays. This essay will combat the derogatory view
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
P Japan Skii Case Free Essays
PG Japan: SK-II Globalization Case SK-II is a high-end skin care product, which has proven to be a success in the highly selective and competitive Japanese cosmetics market. It fits in the Japanese environment nicely. For starters, the wealthy Japanese society gives PG a large market to target. We will write a custom essay sample on P Japan Skii Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, the uniquely sophisticated habits of Japanese women means they are more likely to accept the more complicated procedure required by SK-II. SK II involves six to eight steps, which is more than the number of steps of any other skin care products used in the rest of the world (1, p. ). Overall strategy of the of the organization Given this product’s success in Japan for 1999 ($150 million in sales), PG is considering expanding its SK-II into a global brand. When doing this, management has to consider how the Japanese market compares to the other markets being proposed (China and Europe) as part of their international expansion. They should also do a thorough analysis of each of the markets being considered for this product, and an analysis of their competitors’ firm wide international strategy. Because the Japanese market is very different from these other markets, the same level of success cannot be guaranteed. This includes the distribution channel and the supporting industries, e. g. , TV advertising is relatively cheaper in Japan than in Europe. Models and Theories PG’s International Business-Level Strategy. Porter’s model suggests that international business-level strategies are usually grounded in one or more of these home-country factors (1, p. 274). Based on Porters model, the firm’s strategy, structure, rivalry and demand conditions seem to be significant for PG’s international business-level strategy. Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry: SK-II is the result of the combined ingenuity of PG’s most talented technologists from its worldwide labs, as well as the specific expertise from a Japanese group. This combination worked well because it reflected the best of PG’s consolidated R;D while catering specifically to the needs of the Japanese market (2, p. 8). Being a global company headquartered in the U. S. makes it easier for P;G to bring its global talent to its home-country so that it can improve its R;D capabilities and thus have a competitive advantage. Having a pre-existing global structure may also make it easier to adapt this product to the needs of those other countries where P;G does business. When considering expanding the SK-II market, this competitive advantage should be considered. Demand conditions. The initial product opportunity for SK-II came about from U. S / global demand for an improved facial cleansing product (2, p. 8). That spawned the creation of SK-II as well as other products developed to meet these needs. Because SK-II was developed in response to the demand conditions in Japan, it became a highly regarded cosmetics product and survived the ferocious competition in the Japanese market; thus proving to be a competitive advantage. Furthermore, having a certain amount of understanding of the emerging Asian economic powers, P;G realized that fashionable people in countries like Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. closely follow the fashion trends in Japan. Therefore, by entering the Japanese market and securing a substantial level of market share, P;G could have also created further competitive advantage for entering those emerging Asian markets. This strategy may even prove true in the case of entering the Chinese market. However, one may argue that China is a poorer country, but the populations in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore are basically ethnically Chinese. Therefore, their habits should be much closer than that between Japanese and Chinese. Hence, with the successful entry into the Hong Kong market, Taiwan markets can be used as a direct test of the level to which Chinese women will accept the demanding procedures of SK II (2, p. 6). P;G’s International Corporate-Level Strategy International Corporate-level strategy can be classified into three different types: multidomestic, global, or transnational (1, p. 277). November, 1999 was an interesting point of time for P;G because the firm’s corporate level strategy appears to be shifting from a multidomestic strategy to a transnational, or perhaps global, strategy. This is being done through the O2005 initiative, and explains some of the struggles P;G may face trying to expand the SK-II product globally. As discussed in the case analysis, P;G was â€Å"in the midst of a bold but disruptive Organization 2005 restructuring program. As GBU’s took over profit responsibility historically held by PG’s country-based organizations, management was still trying to negotiate their new working relationships. †(2, p. 1) This quote explains P;G’s international corporate level strategy, both where it was, and where it’s trying to go. A tell tale sign of a multidomestic corporate level strategy was for P;G to have profit responsibility held by their country-based organizations. A multidomestic strategy has strategic and operating decisions decentralized to each country to allow products to be tailored to each local market (1, p. 277). The opposite is true for a global corporate strategy. Under an international global corporate strategy, products are standardized across all markets and economies of scale are emphasized (1, p. 280). This was the direction P;G was headed in when GBU’s took over profit responsibility. In fact, this structure is very similar to a ‘worldwide product divisional structure’ which supports the use of a global strategy (1, p. 280). However, during the SK-II development through the expansion proposal, P;G’s international corporate strategy appears to be a transnational strategy, which combines aspects of the two aforementioned strategies. This is done in order to emphasize both local responsiveness and global integration and coordination. This is true with the SK II project. When the SK-II product was first created it was done so on a global level to meet a global demand. The product was then localized for the Japanese market. For instance, separate marketing teams were used in the U. S. and in Japan to develop this product for each market (2, p. 8). By first creating one product to meet global demand rather than regional demand, P;G was able to achieve economies of scale and efficiencies by having one R;D team working on a product that would meet many regions needs. However, P;G then allowed each region some flexibility in how they marketed, priced, and distributed this product. This was a big reason for SK-II’s success in Japan. It is apparent that P;G has adopted a transnational strategy. In line with the characteristics of that strategy, P;G is considering expanding a product proven to be successful in a demanding (Japanese) market in to other markets. By doing so, P;G will need to rely on aspects of a global strategy that uses a standardized product for the global market such that the competitive advantages in the home-country (Japan) can be leveraged out globally, thus achieving economies of scale. P;G will also need to rely on aspects of a multidomestic strategy that pays great attention to various unique features of different markets. For the Greater China market and the European market, P;G will need to make an effort to fit into the local environment in order to achieve success in a different culture from Japan. In order for this transnational strategy to work for the SK-II expansion, the P;G corporate structure must have good communication and flexibility. Without that, a transnational strategy will not be as effective, and the SK-II expansion may not succeed. Industry environmental analysis: Porter’s ‘The Five Forces of Competition’ Model Paolo de Cesare knew there were significant risks in his proposal to expand SK-II into China and Europe. This skin care line from P;G has been a huge success in Japan, a country where customers, distribution channels and competitors were different from those in most other countries. The Model of ‘The Five Forces of Competition’ helps describe the current situation of SK-II in Japan as well as analyze the Industry Environment in P;G’s target market for its skin care line. This information can be used by P;G when deciding whether or not to launch SK-II in China and the United Kingdom. Japan: In this special market, where the world’s leading per capita consumers and highly sophisticated users of beauty products are, the threat of a new entrance seems to be very low. There exist entry barriers that make it difficult for new firms to enter this particular market. Among these barriers is the difficult access to the complex Japanese distribution system and the product differentiation of the very competitive companies that already share the market (3, p. 1). Companies as Shiseido, Lion, Kao, and Kanebo compete for market share, suggesting that with few big players in a slow growing market there is strong rivalry (4, p. 1). Furthermore, the low switching costs of the skin care products makes easy for competitors to attract buyers from the rivals, thus enhancing the competition. The threat of substitute products for SK-II in Japan is high because of the high innovative capacity of P;G’s competitors, Kao and Lion (5, p. 1). These Japanese companies spend huge amounts in research and development to be on top of the technological challenge. The bargaining power of the buyers is not the main factor to set the price, but competence for market share among competitors is. This lets customers have many options to choose from. Additionally, the bargaining power of suppliers doesn’t seem significant for this industry as well. China: Just the opposite of the Japanese market, the Chinese market has a high threat of new entrances. The Chinese prestige-beauty segment is growing fast, at 30% to 40% a year and is very attractive for new firms to enter. Almost all-major competitors are already there: Lancome, Shiseido, and Kao are examples of companies selling products in China (6, p. ). The intensity of rivalry among the competitors is still low, because this growing market reduces the pressure for firms to take customers from competitors. However, the threat of substitute products is high, because the big players in the Chinese market are mostly global firms, with high innovative capacity. The bargaining power of supplier s and buyers is low. Europe: Well-respected companies including Estee Lauder, Lancome, Clinique, Chanel and Dior crowd the field of high profile skin care products, resulting in high competence among existing competitors and a low threat of new entrances. The brands’ prestige and the loyalty of their sophisticated and beauty-conscious customers are high entry barriers. As in Japan and China, the threat of substitutes is high because of the brand’s globalization, and the fact that those companies can easily legally imitate their competitor’s new products. The bargaining power of the buyers is high because of the multiple options they have to choose from. As in the previously described markets, the bargaining power of suppliers is not significant. Five forces vs. market table | Japan| China| United Kingdom| Threat of new entrants| Low| High| Low| Bargaining Power of suppliers| Low| Low| Low| Bargaining Power of buyers| High| Low| High| Threat of substitute products| High| High| High| Intensity of rivalry among competitors| High| Low| High| The I/O and Resource Based Models of Above-Average Returns Regardless of what geographic market Proctor ; Gamble plan to enter with SK-II, they need to carefully observe and learn from those companies already in that market. They have to find out what it is that successful firms are doing to gain and maintain market share. The I/O model of above-average returns dictates that firms in the same industry generally possess the same resources and pursue similar strategies in order to achieve high returns (1, p. 14). On the other hand, P;G has to utilize its own resources and capabilities which are not similar to competitors in the high-end cosmetics industry. This theory is based on the resource model of above-average returns. The resource model maintains that firms in an industry generally do not have similar resources and capabilities, and that a firm’s unique resources provide a competitive advantage (1, p. 6). The best strategy for P;G to pursue in taking SK-II to the global marketplace is to congruously use these two models. In Japan, where P;G had a large market share in this industry, they utilized their extensive technological resources and extensive research and development. While these resources were spread over the cosmetics industry (each firm has extensive research and development and te chnological resources), P;G had the advantage of being a large corporation with deeper pockets than many competitors. With the decision of taking SK-II into the global marketplace looming, these two models serve as effective tools in determining which geographical markets SK-II can flourish. In some cases, as with the U. K. market, the application of these two models can reveal that it might be a better decision to enter a particular market. In the U. K. , many firms are fiercely competing for share in a saturated market. The firms’ resources and capabilities are spread thinly across the market. This makes it difficult to establish and maintain a competitive advantage. Contrary to the U. K. arketplace, the Chinese cosmetics market is still growing. P;G has the opportunity to leverage its own competitive advantages to enter this market with full force. While SK-II has little visibility outside of Japan (2, p. 6), P;G could use their Japanese market experience to develop an effective strategy for entering other markets such as China, Europe, and eventually the United States. They had establishe d market share in Japan, but the other geographical markets consist of different environments and different competitors who possess different resources and capabilities. As of 2004, P;G’s most recent challenge is entering the very competitive U. S. cosmetics market with SK-II. It is planned for release in America for February 2004, sold exclusively at Saks Fifth Avenue. Comparison to other organizations L’oreal Comparison. L’oreal has been one of PG’s major global competitors in the cosmetics industry. L’oreal’s transnational strategy has led them to be the number one in (#1 what? ) the world. In 1994 PG was number two but they have since dropped to number four. Part of the reason for this has been L’oreal’s ability to capitalize in the international markets. L’oreal has steadily become the leader in cosmetics by their ability to adapt their products to the global market and achieve a high level of efficiency. L’oreal’s transnational strategy has allowed it to build a strong global structure while still leaving room for different adjustments that might be needed at a local level. For example, L’oreal’s ‘Free Hold’ line (a mousse) was originally priced on the high end of the market, targeted for a higher class of consumer. Once it was realized that the market for their mousse products could be aimed at a younger or less affluent target, L’oreal released a studio line that was less expensive than the Free Hold line (7, p. 1). This example shows that L’oreal is willing to use different price levels in different regions or demographics. L’oreal has also adjusted its management structure by specific job function. For example, both U. S. and Europe have a VP of operations. This type of management allows for the businesses to implement necessary changes at the local level that might not be needed throughout the entire corporation. These factors allow for the continued success that L’oreal has when using a transnational business strategy on an international level. Proctor and Gamble is trying to go in a different direction than L’oreal when trying to expand their international business. PG mostly uses a global strategy where seven global business units that would take control and implement changes into the local businesses (2, p. 5). This approach uses the SBU’s to makes changes at the local level while still maintaining the best interest of the corporation. With SK-II, PG seems to be completing their transition from a transnational strategy to this global strategy. In a global strategy a company offers standardized products with strategies dictated from the main headquarters. This type of strategy produces less risk for PG, but it also lowers the chance for potential growth by letting local markets dictate their own strategy. With a global strategy, a business does not take into consideration the local demand by adapting their products to the needs of the people in that area. The global strategy essentially says that whatever the main company decides is best for the company no matter where it is located. (this is already mentioned above, and may be repetitive†¦also, no reference is made to the text where this was taken from) PG has a different corporate structure than that of L’oreal based on their different business strategies. PG has fewer managers that are in charge of the phases of business. For instance, PG does not have multiple people holding the same positions in different countries where they do business. This structure does not allow for as much adaptation to the regional needs of the consumers. Estee Lauder. The Estee Lauder Company prides itself on being one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of quality skin care, makeup, fragrance and hair care products (9, p. 1). Under the Estee Lauder name there are many brands and line divisions including the self-titled Estee Lauder division. Similar to SK-II, Estee Lauder has a large international presence (SKII is still only in Japan.. at least at the time of the case†¦should this be changed to say P;G? and sells principally through limited distribution channels to compliment the images associated with its brands (10, p. 1). By using a combination of global and multidomestic strategy, Estee Lauder’s strategy is much like the previously mentioned â€Å"transnational strategy†(1, p. 282). There are several top level executives that have a large responsibility to global operations. For example, Patr ick Bousquet-Chavanne is a Group President and is responsible for marketing, sales and financial direction of all brands within The Estee Lauder Companies in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the Asia/Pacific region. However, he has also established consolidated regional Product Development Centers in Paris and Tokyo (10, p. 1). The Estee Lauder Companies believe in a strong central philosophy typically found in organizations that use a global strategy but also show the willingness for ideas to come from all areas of the business. Their multiple research and development sites in New York, Belgium, Japan, Ontario, and Minnesota prove this (this just proves that headquarters has opened multiple centers for R;D†¦it doesn’t really prove that ‘decisions’ are made in regional areas of their business). In order to keep their product responsiveness quick, Estee Lauder’s company website speaks of manufacturing sites in the U. S. , Belgium, Switzerland, the UK, and Canada. Estee Lauder has found a successful mix of upper-end cosmetic products with Estee Lauder and Clinique. While both products are priced with high-end cosmetics, they are differentiated enough to each bring in significant market share. From these results, The Estee Lauder Companies do well at mixing both a multidomestic and global strategy into a successful transnational strategy. Current State of P;G Currently the CEO of P;G is A. G. Lafley, a 1969 graduate of Hamilton College (not Harvard), who was previously in charge of the Beauty Care GBU. Under Lafley’s leadership, P;G has drastically changed its corporate structure and focus. Within the last year or two, P;G has outsourced all of its back-office operations, including $3 billion worth of IT business outsourced to IBM (13, p. 1). This recent outsourcing trend also includes many of the Global Business Services (GBS) that were a major part of the corporate structure in 1999. Now GBS’s like Finance and HR have been outsourced so that P;G can focus on concentrating on its core products and competencies (14, p. 1). According to its most recent annual report, P;G’s core competencies are ‘branding, innovation, and scale’, and this focus can be seen in the business decisions made by Lafley (11, p. 6). P;G’s corporate structure has gone through a restructuring that consists of more than just the reduction of unnecessary GBS’s. The international corporate strategy of P;G has clearly become transnational. There are currently 5 GBU’s which work to provide speed to market, as well as centralized product control for P;G. The GBU’s work closely with seven Market Development Organizations (MDO’s) who work with the local customers and country business teams to develop the right product mix for over 160 countries that P;G does business. (11, pp. 5 – 7) The coordination between these two groups shows P;G’s focus on using a transnational strategy to become a profitable global business in the 21st century. Recommendations China: We recommend P;G enter the Chinese market. As was previously discussed, the tremendous growth potential of this market is well worth the high import tariffs and government delays in the import process. If anything, these delays only further stress the importance of starting the process of entering China now, rather than later. There is also a risk of profit loss due to counterfeiting in China. However, because competition has already begun to enter the market, it is extremely important for P;G to also enter to take advantage of the increased growth rate while it exists. Europe: We recommend P;G do NOT enter the European market. This market appears to already saturated, and growth in the region does not appear to be very strong. We are also concerned with the modest forecasted gains in relation to the expected losses incurred entering this market. P;G does not have expertise dealing with the perfumeries in Germany and France, and so we recommend that they look to acquire/partner with another company who has proven success in this region, should they decide to expand into these markets. Perhaps the recent acquisition of Wella could provide this kind of expertise. With the mixed results from the testing done in the UK, we recommend P;G do some more subjective research in this area before deciding to expand the SK-II line here. Japan: We recommend P;G expand the SK-II product line in Japan. This is the home country for the SK-II line, and has already established a market for the product. While the slowing market growth and increased competition will result in companies having to fight for market share, SK-II’s proven success here should help this product line as it expands. A more plentiful SK-II product line may also help solidify its brand name as it expands to other countries. How to cite P Japan Skii Case, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Extradition Of Nazi War Criminals Essays -
The Extradition of Nazi War Criminals The following paper was used as a term paper for a sophomore level Political Science class centering on international relations. The class was taken at a popular university in the state of Massachusetts. The paper deals with the legal issues surrounding the act of extradition of Nazi war criminals. Two international law cases are dealt with in the paper. The paper got an "A" from a fairly difficult grading professor, and once the paper is double spaced it should work out to be about 14 or 15 pages. Have fun, and good luck. The term "laws of war" refers to the rules governing the actual conduct of armed conflict. This idea that there actually exists rules that govern war is a difficult concept to understand. The simple act of war in and of itself seems to be in violation of an almost universal law prohibiting one human being from killing another. But during times of war murder of the enemy is allowed, which leads one to the question, "if murder is permissible then what possible "laws of war" could there be?" The answer to this question can be found in the Charter established at the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo: Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated. Leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan.1 The above excerpt comes form the Charter of the Tribunal Article 6 section C, which makes it quite clear that in general the "laws of war" are there to protect innocent civilians before and during war. It seems to be a fair idea to have such rules governing armed conflict in order to protect the civilians in the general location of such a conflict. But, when the conflict is over, and if war crimes have been committed, how then are criminals of war brought to justice? The International Military Tribunals held after World War II in Nuremberg on 20 November 1945 and in Tokyo on 3 May 1946 are excellent examples of how such crimes of war are dealt with. (Roberts and Guelff 153-54) But, rather than elaborate on exact details of the Tribunals of Nuremberg and Tokyo a more important matter must be dealt with. What happens when alleged criminals of war are unable to be apprehended and justly tried? Are they forgotten about, or are they sought after such as other criminals are in order to serve justice? What happens if these alleged violators are found residing somewhere other than where their pursuers want to bring them to justice? How does one go about legally obtaining the custody of one such suspect? Some of the answers to these questions can be found in an analysis of how Israel went about obtaining the custody of individuals that it thought to be guilty of Nazi War Crimes. Not only will one find some of the answers to the previously stated questions, but also one will gain an understanding of one facet of international law and how it works. Two cases in specific will be dealt with here. First, the extradition of Adolf Eichmann from Argentina, and second, the extradition of John Demjanjuk from the United States of America. These cases demonstrate two very different ways that Israel went about obtaining the custody of these alleged criminals. The cases also expose the intricacy of International Law in matters of extradition. But, before we begin to examine each of these cases we must first establish Israel's right to judicial processing of alleged Nazi war criminals. To understand the complications involved in Israel placing suspected Nazi war criminals on trial, lets review the history of Israel's situation. During World War II the Nazis were persecuting Jews in their concentration camps. At this time the state of Israel did not exist. The ending of the war meant the ending of the persecution, and when the other countries discovered what the Nazis had done Military Tribunals quickly followed. Some of the accused war criminals were tried and sentenced, but others managed to escape judgement and thus became fugitives running from international
Friday, March 20, 2020
biotech food essays
biotech food essays This paper is about Biotechnology and its use in creating new food products. In researching this paper, I found there is a lot of information on this subject and a lot of debate on the creation of genetically altered food, medicine, crops, and more. I decided to do my paper on the genetically altered food part of the subject. I will discuss what biotechnology is, who is for it and who is against it, and what some of the ethical concerns are when it comes to growing genetically modified (GM) crops. THE FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY DEBATE WHAT IS BIOTECHNOLOGY? Biotechnology is a broad term that applies to all living organisms. It is used for everything from microorganisms used to ferment beer to the most sophisticated forms of gene therapy. There are two categories of activities in biotechnology: the traditional methods and new scientific methods. The traditional methods are the way that farmers have been breeding their crop for centuries, cross breeding plants until finally some generation down the line is exactly the way they want it. The new methods are taking genes from different organisms and inserting them into another organism in the lab. This eliminates the waiting period to get the results they want, instead they get the exact plant they want right away. The United States government defines it as being "any technique that uses living organisms or parts of living organisms to (1) make or modify products, (2) improve plants or animals, or (3) develop microorganisms for specific uses. The purpose of biotechnology in foods is to cr eate better tasting and more nutritious foods, that have higher crop yields, and plants that are naturally protected from disease, insects, and drought. Through biotechnology scientist can develop plants with only specific beneficial traits and leave out the undesirable traits. They can change one characteristic or a few characteristics at a time with current technology. This enables them to release, for us...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Daily Fuel How quiet leadership makes a louder impact
Daily Fuel How quiet leadership makes a louder impact The desire for power is a common one, but once you obtain it, the real test begins. Both the public and private sectors are full of leaders more focused on their own personal brand than the impact they are making. Former Bush Administration official and Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Sandy Baruah explains what separates the best leaders from the show horses, but his message can apply to even the smallest of jobs. [Source: Daily Fuel]
Sunday, February 16, 2020
SmartTool Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
SmartTool Inc - Essay Example Doug has been taking high risks in business especially in bagging orders that cannot be delivered readily using the core competencies of the organization. Such orders would either require structured R&D mechanisms, or else uncontrolled costs in trial & errors. The findings of Elwood pertaining to a loss of $190000 on seven projects pertaining to 3D dies present the objective evidence against this conclusion. Also, the company took the route to ISO 9000 certification while the processes in a mess and were not automated. In this scenario, the certification doesn’t qualify the organization to have an efficient QMS system. Overall, Doug is competent to start a business and run it till enough cash is generated but his money management skills were not adequate. From the gravy stamping job, SmartTools achieved financial flexibility which means there was surplus cash for self-funding of the working capital. Doug could have made the company debt free but instead preferred to expand int o areas that were lesser known to SmartTools thus increasing risk of uncertainty in order processing.Doug was technology savvy person and he wanted to expand the technology horizon and competency of the organization. He did not value the value of self-reliance thus ensuring operating profitability. Moreover, he was poor in handling working capitals efficiently for the growth of the organization. He kept on realizing more and more working capital loans from the Bank and losing profits and cash in the backend. He along with Janet tried to cover up the slumping profitability by inducing the accounting discrepancies detailed below and in this process risked the wealth of the shareholders as well as serious legal issues that could have put both Doug and Eb behind bars. Accounting Issues Operationally, Doug and Eb didn’t manage the accounting system properly. Given the requirements of section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley, spreadsheets with macros cannot
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Letter from a slaveholder Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Letter from a slaveholder - Term Paper Example I have since made it my business to keep abreast of events and have in fact subscribed to a Boston abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, a fact you may frown upon but which I consider essential, if we are not to be overtaken by events. In May, they pointed to the imminent publication of a narrative by a certain Douglas, to which I paid scant attention. Three weeks ago, however, when I went to the club (yes, I know, you will frown on this too), the name was on everyone’s lips. Lundy3 was there with his crowd, gleefully claiming that this was a major blow to slavery and Baltimore would soon be slavery-free. We had to hold Thompson off, who was so enraged that he threatened Lundy – quite ugly. He claimed that it was all a pack of lies, that this ‘Douglas’ was known to him, that he had been a slave with the Auld’s for the better part of 15 years and not one single statement was true, other than that he was a slave. If this wasn’t enough, Thompson got into an argument with Donaldson, who claimed that Douglass wasn’t a slave at all. Thompson took this as being called a liar and the fight was on for young and old. As you might imagine, I requested the book immediately and I have now read it. Well, what can I say – I am deeply shocked and far more worried than I have been so far (if that is possible). We need to talk about this, find some solutions – we cannot let things go any longer. This is getting to a point where every self-respecting Christian and concerned plantation owner has to take action. But, I am rambling; let me tell you what the book says. Douglass claims to have been born into slavery and separated from his mother at an early age. He is a half-caste and people thought (he said) that his then owner was his father (1). He describes various incidents of punishment of slaves (incredibly brutal) and also draws a disturbing picture of slave life. At 6, he is moved to Baltimore to Aaron Auld, where Lucretia (Auld’s daughter) teaches him to read the Bible (2). Aaron soon puts a stop to it, claiming that a ‘slave who can read is no longer fit to be a slave’. Apparently the boy overhears that and this is when he decides not to be a slave when he grows up, now teaching himself to read and write (3). Aaron dies. Thomas inherits the boy ‘as part of the livestock’ (4) and keeps him at St. Michaels. After that the boy is moved back and forth between Thomas and Hugh Auld but ends up back at St. Michaels, where Thomas apparently nearly starves him to death, eventually using him as field hand (where he gets savagely beaten at regular intervals but at least fed). After beating the foreman in a fight, he is sent to another place and there teaches other slaves to read and write. He eventually escapes. That’s the story and if what he says is correct, there is nothing of Hammond’s ‘natural and common good’ in such misery (Hammond 19 36). I have put notes in some places, about which I want to talk later. Right now, I want to go back to what happened at the club three weeks ago. You weren’t there, so you can have no idea of the scenes in that place. The air of violence and the anger was so thick; you could have cut it with a knife. People, who have known each other all their lives, and who are good people normally, were attacking each other in the most unprecedented way. This was not a good-natured argument that got a little out of hand. No, this was all-out war. If this is a sign of things
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Classroom Management: An introduction
Classroom Management: An introduction 1.0 Introduction Classroom management is a term used by the teacher to ensure the class run smoothly through the whole lesson. According to Moskowitz Hayman (1976), once a teacher loses control of their classroom, it becomes more difficult for them to regain back the control (Moskowitz Hayman, 1976, p. 283)). Other than that, a research from Berliner (1988) and Brophy Good (1986) shows that the time that teacher has to take to correct misbehavior caused by poor classroom management skills results in a lower rate of academic engagement in the classroom (Berliner, 1988, p. 310; Brophy Good, 1986, p. 335). Several aspects such as classroom layout, classroom language and classroom climate can be looked into in order to ensure the class run smoothly through the lesson. 2.0 Classroom layout Desk orientation, bulletin board display, classroom decoration and classroom peripheral are several things that are considered as classroom layout. Around the world, there are several layout that have been seen such as traditional, restaurant, islands, horseshoe, seminar, laboratory, looking out, circle, story, chevrons and semi-circle (Wright 2005). However, among all of the classroom layout listed, restaurant and island layout two are widely use. For restaurant layout, the desks are arranged in random. It is often permanent or semi-permanent. Restaurant layout are useful for a class that doing a lot of small group activities. Island layout is a layout of regular grouping. It can be created by modifying benches so that the students on odd number can fit in. this layout are more or less the same as the restaurant layout but island layout are more carefully arranged (see appendix B (classroom layout)). The way of the student desks being organized shows the teachers teaching style. Whe n the students walk in the class, the students will immediately knows whether they will be working as a group with other student or they are required to do the work individually. In a class, different grade level of student may result in a different desk arrangement but, the traditional layout of rows of individual desks may not provide the best learning environment for the students. In order to promote the collaboration, restaurant or island layout is the best choice since the layout group the students together. By grouping the students together, the student can shared learning experience, group discussion and small group activities. To promote the sense of unity of the whole class, arrange the class to circle layout, story layout or semi-circle layout. The displays around the class will tell the student the things that they have learned during the previous class. By displaying the students effort on the bulletin boards will inspire student and increase their motivation to learn. B esides, it will also promote learning to the students. Other than that, displaying a lot of books at the students level, a comfortable carpet and providing a reading space will encourage the students to read more often. Providing a clearly marked area for the students to place their homework will make the class more organize. It is important to create an environment that make the student feel loved, safe and excited to learn. 3.0 Classroom Language Classroom languages are used throughout the lesson in the class. From the beginning of the class until the end of the class, every teacher use classroom language to talk to the students. Classroom language is the kind of language used to communicate in the class without using the mother tongue. There are a few ways of presenting classroom language. It can be presented from the student, from the teacher, from the reading material and the real situation in class. The words used by the student such as May I come in? are one example of the classroom language. Another example is Excuse me. The language by the students ought to be more polite if they talk to the teachers. It is not the same when they talk to their peers. In the real situation in class, the teacher might face the misbehavior student in the class. The choice of word from the teacher is a part of the language in the class. For example, if a student making off-task noise in the class and the teacher want him or her to stay qui et. Instead of saying shut up, the teacher will say could you please be quiet. This way, the students are more prompt to follow the order of the teacher. The classroom language also applied when the teacher giving instruction about the task, monitoring the work of students, asking permission and also when the students ask questions to the teacher. The reason for getting the student to communicating is because it represents a necessary stage in transfer the classroom learning to the outside world. When the students are communicating to each other, they are actually enhanced the learning. The arguments between peers are making them to go through the process of sharing their idea and improve the understanding of the certain topic. 4.0 Classroom climate Maintaining a good classroom climate is importance in order to have a better learning atmosphere and maintain the focus of the student towards lesson in the class. Classroom climate is referred to learning environment, as well as the atmosphere, ambience and ecology. (Adelman Taylor 2005). In short, classroom climate can be said as the setting of the class. The setting of the class is related to the classroom behavior and learning. A research also suggests the significant relationships between classroom climate and student engagement in class, behavior, achievement, social and emotional development, and overall quality of school life (Fraser 1998; Freiberg 1999). In order to enhance the classroom climate, there are some approaches that can be taken. This includes enhancing the quality of life of the students and the staff in class. A good relationship between the teacher and students are helpful to enhance the good classroom climate. At Comptom Primary School, they have a system cal led as home schooling. It is a system where a teacher is in charge for a class. This means that, the teacher the students really well such as their names and background. This kind of relationship also helps in the participation of the staff that is the teacher and the students in decision making. They can actually discuss about what they feel and what they want thus help in enhancing the classroom climate. Maintaining and enhancing the positive classroom climate is the main focus of all staff in the school. Having the teacher assistance in the school can increase the teacher ability in the class. In addition, teacher assistance can work with the teacher to improve classroom climate by enhancing and maintaining a positive classroom climate that promote well being and deal with barrier in teaching and learning (Adelman Taylor 1997). A class consists of students that come with different abilities and it is hard for a teacher to deal with all the students alone. The students with lower ability will sometimes create problems in class thus will result in disrupting the climate of the class. When this happen, teacher assistance will assist the student and help the teacher to deal with the problem. At the same time, this will restore the positive classroom climate. From my visit to the All Saints Academy Plymouth, the teacher have difficulties in controlling the class when a few problematic students and eventually disrupted the climate of the class. There is no assistance that helps the teacher to deal with and respond to the all of the students. Classroom climate can also be controlled by the physical aspect of the class. The ideal classroom will have a good lighting for the class. This is refers to clean and tidy classroom. A classroom with the positive climate should be attractive, comfortable and well-lighted. Which means the class is not too bright and not too dark (see appendix A (pictures)). This physical aspect such as temperature and noise that are likely af fect the student concentration and focus in the class are also effect the classroom climate. The arrangement of the internal feature of the class such as desks and chair is also importance. Maybe the teacher has no control about the size of the class, but the teacher can control the arrangement of the chair and desk inside the class. A good classroom climate in term of space is where the space in the class has been adjusted so that an active interaction may occur in the class. It also permitted the student to see the board clearly and allow the teacher to be close to the student. Classroom climate can also be improved by displaying the students work on the wall. This can encourage student in their own work and motivate them. However, all the students should have the same opportunity for their work to be displayed on the wall. Was Post-War Britain Tolerant and Multicultural? Was Post-War Britain Tolerant and Multicultural? Post-war Britain is best described as a tolerant and multicultural nation. Discuss. In discussing this proposition, it is necessary to define tolerant and multicultural to intentionally confine the parameters of the discussion. Within this essay tolerant will be defined as an attitude of mind that implies non-judgemental acceptance of different lifestyles or beliefs, and multicultural as a society that contains several and distinct cultural or ethnic groups. Generally speaking, a nation has to show willingness to accept other social and ethnic groups within its society. Much literature has explored how migration shaped Britain since World War II, including both the outlooks of Authority, Establishment and the British People towards immigrants. It is widely accepted there have been four development phases since 1948: the first wave of pioneers from the Caribbean and the Asian subcontinent, who were mainly single men both skilled and semi-skilled, next came an unskilled labour force, followed by their wives and children, and ultimately the British-born generation. Thi s chain migration clearly affected the demographics of Britain and it is likely the indigenous population was not expecting such a large influx of migrants, and the resultant pressure and increasing competition for limited resources in housing, employment and social services. It is possible that the rowdy behaviour of the immigrant population caused frictions between distinct communities. This essay will also address the question of ethnic groups within the general Commonwealth migration that came to be targets of racism, due to the fact they were non-white and stood out in a generally white population. From the 1948 British Nationality Act, government practised a laizzez-faire approach to migration, and only following increasing public opposition did they institute controls on immigration from 1962. British identity came to be identified as tolerant, this mind-set emanated from Victorian and Imperialist values of honour, respect, justice and fair play. This was further embedded in the minds of the British population with the experiences of World War II. Nevertheless, according to Chris Waters, Britains sense of national unity started to disintegrate after 1945.[1] A possible explanation for this disintegration might be the introduction of the 1948 British Nationality Act, this created a new immigration system without restrictions: every person born within the United Kingdom and Colonies à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or descent.[2] The resultant effect of this legislation led directly to the sailing the Empire Windrush in 1948 from Jamaica to London carrying 492 non-white passengers, and increased migration generally from the Caribbean and the Asian subcontinent. These workers flocked to the mother country to fill l abour vacancies, especially in the transport and health services. The labour government, 1945-1951, initially believed that by sharing out the new arrivals across the country they would assimilate and integrate into British society, adopting British values. However, this approach became impracticable for two likely reasons. Firstly, society at large perceived the migrants as contrary to British values,[3] and a threat to national cohesion. Secondly, the migrants wanted to stick together in the same locale. Inner cities became predominantly inhabited by immigrants who brought new religions, cultures, languages and dress. Moreover, immigration statistics highlighted the increasing impact new immigrants placed on housing and employment. It has been estimated, by the mid-1950s, persons of colour entering Britain rose to about 20,000 per year.[4] There may have been a divergence in attitude between general populace and governments policies that had an approach of non-intervention, with t he Establishment perhaps believing the problems would just go away. The 1948 Act did not distinguish immigration from any parts of the Commonwealth, and it may be the case that members of the Cabinet were unwilling to enact legislation that differentiated between white and non-white migrants. In the 1950s there was increasing hostility towards non-white immigrants culminating in the Notting Hill riots of 1958. These riots are often cited as a catalyst that led to immigration control, however, it does appear that the racial aspect was not recognised at the time. Successive legislations in 1962, 1968 and 1971 restricted immigration to the UK, and this was further constrained in 1981 when Britain closed its doors to the Commonwealth. In 1968 Enoch Powell warned of what he saw as the consequences of unregulated immigration. His incendiary Rivers of Blood[5] speech still enflames emotions. In this speech, he highlighted the dangers of unchecked immigration and advocated the cessation of immigration to Britain. In addition, he urged a policy of repatriation for all those immigrants already settled in the UK. It is interesting to note that the 1971 Act, curbing immigration, subsequently followed. Some historians argue that successive government legislations, at this time, both d efined the British National identity as white and circumscribed racist sentiments, convincing the public by stressing the dangers of uncontrolled colonial migration,[6] especially the one produced by a large-scale family reunion. This opinion is further underpinned by both Labours and Conservatives who believed that civil unrest would be avoided by imposing strict migration controls. A different stance is taken by Randall Hensen when he asserts that the State did not promote racism, on the contrary, it accepted the transformation of the UK into a multicultural society, and that it had begun in the 1950s.[7] Succeeding governments promoted anti-discriminatory legislations in the forms of the Race Relations Acts of 1965 and 1968, gradually reducing injustice relative to housing and employment. It is thus evident that these acts were aimed at avoiding discriminations based on race and colour. It is then reasonable to assume that racism had been politically recognised for the first time . The first serious discussion and analysis of multiculturalism in Britain emerged from Bhikhu Parekhs study. His interpretation is that a multicultural society consists of several cultures that have an open and equal dialogue between them, which in turn should foster a strong sense of unity and respect amongst its citizens,[8] ultimately, minorities are less likely to assimilate if assimilation is imposed from above. To sum up, the idea of multiculturalism is tied to a concept of national identity and culture. The impact of race anti-discrimination legislation sought to modify the populations behaviour stating clearly what was, and what was not, acceptable in public life. However, it cannot be asserted that a nation is truly multicultural when it is only conforming to legislation. By the 1970s, many of the migrants had now British-born children, and there was an exponential rise in the number of births from migrants originating from the Indian subcontinent. This effect caused relocation in other parts of the United Kingdom known as spatial development[9]. It is recognised that these groups were tied closely to a distinct set of mores, often emanating from a religious context. Thus, the British community, in receipt of this translocation, may have felt a resentment towards an unfamiliar community, often not recognising an alien culture. Goulbourne asserts that to fully participate in society a person needs access to housing, jobs and education, and it is in these three areas that migrants experienced the most problems and resistance.[10] Clearly, increased competition for limited resources created an obstacle to integration and discriminatory practices started to emerge in both housing, education and the working environment. Similar discrimination occurred with in the black community whereby the police were accused of both violence and bullying. These accusations led directly to the Brixton Riots of 1981. For Nairns, racism derives from nationalism, the one that has been instilled in the minds of the British people by the right-wing politicians eager to preserve the Whites as the true bearers of the national identity. On the other hand, Anderson claims that racism stems from the ideologies of class,[11] in this case between the white working men and the migrants being excluded, to seize the available resources. Within this last construct, race could be described as only fictional.[12] Nevertheless, not all Blacks and Asians were targeted, and the State promoted a series of legislations to avoid a collision, introducing laws aiming at discouraging intolerant practices in the work place and the education environment. It can be therefore stated that, whoever showed a positive commitment to Britain, and to the English way of life, received app reciation from the local and national communities: it was a two-way relationship. On these grounds, it is likely that multiculturalism was not a failure, rather it was implemented, by the means of the Race Relations Acts, and was a positive influence for Britain promoting equality. Whilst this essay supports the premise that post-war Britain is best described as a tolerant and multicultural nation, there have been many different events that have happened since the free-for-all in 1948 British Nationality Act. The laissez-faire approach of various governments to immigration from 1948 stoked intolerant attitudes to non-white immigrants, which resulted in the Rivers of Blood speech and the 1981 Brixton Riots, that eventually led to the effective closing the doors as legislated in the 1981 Immigration Act. The failure to support immigrants to assimilate and integrate into British society, combined with legislation to prohibit acts of racism, led to the 1965 and 1968 Race Relations Acts that forced a more multicultural approach to diversity. Hence, the State has been instrumental to protect racial ethnic diversity and to promote difference. On the other hand, it has also been demonstrated that British society was less inclined to accept minority groups due to the pr ejudice that they would taint the very essence of their identity. This was at a time when the loss of the Imperial pre-eminence and the experiences of the WWII were being nostalgically reconstructed, making still further frictions between white and non-white communities. Competition for resources, i.e. housing, jobs and education, exacerbated public sentiment leading to further tensions. At the same time, propaganda from various right-wing politicians juxtaposed Britishness as being white, hence these ideologies might have played an important part in shaping peoples attitudes towards those of a different race. Thereby, the argument shifted, in the late 1950s, towards race relations with some parts of British society campaigning against racial discrimination and migration controls. With regards to multiculturalism, this paper has also attempted to show that both British and newcomers were not willing to accept each other customs. For the former it was an aggression to their values, a nd for the latter a feeling of social exclusion in terms of low pay, unemployment and bad housing. Tolerance and multiculturalism in Britain have received much attention in the past fifty years, but as Paul Gilroy claims, there is still no understanding why Britain was unable to come to terms with its minority groups,[13] and many questions remain unanswered. Eventually, in response to Gilroys challenge, it could be alleged that if the State had implemented clear integration policies sooner, then tolerance and multiculturalism would have been a constant since 1948 due to the self-declared openness of the British society. In conclusion, it can be suggested that multiculturalism was implemented not via assimilation, but by the means of legislation and that they are still at the core of a tolerant and multicultural Britain in the twenty-first century. [1] Chris, Waters, Dark Strangers in our midst: discourses of race and nation in Britain, 1947-1963, Journal of British Studies, vol. 36, No. 2, Twentieth British studies, (April, 1997), p.208 [2] British Nationality Act 1948, Part II, sections 4 and 5, [accessed 9th March 1017] [3] Chris, Waters, Dark Strangers, p.217 [4] Ibid., p.209 [5] Enoch Powells Rivers Of Blood Speech, [accessed 9th March 2017] [6] Paul Kathleen cited in Randall, Hansen, Citizenship and immigration in Post-War Britain : the institutional origins of a multicultural nation, (Oxford University Press, 2000), p.13 [7] Randall, Hansen, Citizenship and immigration, p.17 [8] Parekh, Bhikhu, C., Rethinking multiculturalism: cultural diversity and political theory, (Palgrave, 2000), pp. 13, 196-197 [9] Colin, Holmes, A tolerant country?: immigrants, refugees, and minorities in Britain, (London, 1991), p.4 [10] Goulbourne, Harry, Race relations in Britain since 1945, (Palgrave, 1998), p.76 [11] Nairns and Anderson cited in Paul, Gilroy, There aint no black in the Union Jack the cultural politics of race and nation, (New ed. London, 2002), p.43 [12] Stuart, Hall, Race, Articulation, and Societies Structured in Dominance Sociological Theories: Race and Colonialism, (Paris: UNESCO, 1980), p.338 [13] Gilroy, Paul, There aint no black in the Union Jack the cultural politics of race and nation, (New ed. London, 2002), p.37
Friday, January 17, 2020
Colonialism and Young Black Kid
At the end of the novel Guerrillas, by V. S Naipaul, Jane, a British woman from London is murdered by Bryant, a young black kid native to the Caribbean island where the novel is based. Behind this murder we could discuss guilt and responsibility through different perspectives. Can we really hold Bryant responsible for his actions? Jane is a woman who is not content with herself, she is naive as Roche defines her and out of balance-out of touch with herself and the perception of reality. She is careless about people’s feelings and ignorant about the consequences of her actions.The fact that she wavers from passion and pleasure through meaningless sexual encounters to rape and violence are all feelings that remind her she’s alive, nothing less and nothing more. Consequently, being in a post-colonial society full of animosity and frustration, all her mistakes and imprudent actions lead her to her own death. This is an example of how the presence and impact of â€Å"the po werful colonizer†damaged not only those around him but themselves, in this case Naipaul’s character of Jane is a representation of the indifference and self-centered post-colonial personality of the dominant race in the colonized territories.In conclusion we could argue that Jane did act in a selfish and unconcerned manner. Conscious that she had the alternative of returning to her homeland, escaping the island’s reality and trying to bring back with her an adventurous experience full of love affairs and careless decisions, she unawarely clashed with the islanders; a people whose disadvantages in life were reflected through anger, despair, emotional repression and a hopelessness that Bryant and Jimmy embodied.Naipaul tries to engage the reader into feeling empathy towards the latter characters by placing Jimmy first, as the frustrated revolutionary who lives his own lie and only wishes to see himself as a hero that satisfies the oppressed desire of revenge again st the powerful dominant, whereas Bryant is the unfortunate native young child overwhelmed by hostility and thwarted dreams who could have become a better person if given the opportunity. In consideration of all these factors and circumstances, who is really to blame?
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Nuclear Energy And Its Status In The US - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1898 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Science Essay Level High school Tags: Genetic Engineering Essay Did you like this example? Introduction        Nuclear energy is energy used in making of military weapons and generation of electricity. This form of energy is generated from either nuclear fission or fusion. Today, the United States is one of the industrialized countries with a highly developed nuclear energy sector. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nuclear Energy And Its Status In The US" essay for you Create order Initially, the country used nuclear energy to make military weapons. However, today, a significant proportion of electricity used in the country is generated from nuclear energy. Nevertheless, the kind of energy has its benefits and its disadvantages. As a source of electricity, nuclear energy provides sufficient base load energy for power grids. On the contrary the nuclear energy industry is filled with secrets that may pave a way for illegal trade that will compromise the safety of Americans. The primary aim of this essay is to evaluate the status, pros and cons of the nuclear energy in the United States. Status of Nuclear Energy in the US        The increasing demand for electricity and fluctuating prices and coal and natural gas in the United States accounted for extensive use of nuclear energy as from the late 1950s. Between mid and late 1880s, the Americans embarked on exploiting technological developments to generate electricity for the increasing domestic and industrial customers. As electrification extended from major cities to other parts of the country, demand for electricity increased. As such, production depended on coal, hydropower resources, oil, and gas for peak-time generation (Stoker Baker). As from the 1950s, increasing population and high rates of industrialization increased the demand for electricity significantly. On the contrary, the United States gas producers reverted to less demanding conventional reserves as the countrys gas reserves were located in shale rocks that were hard to reach. With the falling production of natural gas, their prices became unstable and price of electricity increased. Additio nally, increasing prices of coal increased the price of electricity; paving a way for the development and high use of nuclear power (Stoker Baker).        The late 1950s marked the beginning of commercial production of electricity from nuclear energy in the United States. Early in the 1950s, the Atomic Energy Commission embarked on proving that nuclear energy was not only for making military weapons, but also other uses (Stoker Baker). In 1953, the AEC introduced the civil nuclear power program that also enabled access to the countrys nuclear fuels. Between 1957 and 1963, both the General Electric and Westinghouse adopted the use of light water reactor technology to generate electricity. With the increased competition between the two companies, General Electric developed the Boiled Water Reactor technology and used the resulting steam to turbines that generated electricity. As a result, AEC began to export nuclear reactors from France and Germany to continue with the production of electricity from nuclear energy (Stoker Baker).         Nuclear energy accounts for a significant proportion of electricity gen erated in the United States today. By the end of 2017, the number of nuclear reactors in the United States increased to 61 nuclear power plants that operated over 90 commercial nuclear reactors. Currently, nuclear developers use advanced technology to modify nuclear power reactors to maintain consistent power generation capacity. Today, the 99 operational nuclear reactors produce 20% of the countrys annual electricity equivalent to the amount produced in 1990s, despite shutting six nuclear reactors since 2013. The government attributes this consistency to the shortened length of reactor offline time for refueling (US Energy Information Administration Paras. 1-2). Pros        Nuclear energy is highly beneficial. First, nuclear power provides constant minimum power that a power grid requires to economically supply power that satisfies minimum demands. Typically, nuclear reactors are independent; hence natural factors, such as wind and extreme sunshine do not affect their activities. Furthermore, they operate throughout the 24 hours in a day and generate about 90% of the power required for industrial and domestic use in a country (Fox 104). Such a power capacity supersedes that of wind and solar, which experts approximate to be 33% and 25% respectively. With the high power capacity, nuclear reactors have long-term average power output. This means that during the time of operation, nuclear reactors generate sufficient power to sustain power demands at the time of reactor downtime (Fox 104). Moreover, unlike solar and wind energy, nuclear energy is highly predictable. Such is the case as experts schedule downtime ahead of time to change fuel used in nuclear r eactors. Therefore, with the reactors ability to operate at 100% capacity, nuclear energy reduces dependency on coal and natural gas to provide base load energy for power grids (Fox 104).        Nuclear power reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, which increases the volume of greenhouse gases circulating in the atmosphere. According to Michael Fox, coal produces about 960-1,300g/kWh of carbon dioxide. Production of nuclear power uses advanced technologies, which reduce carbon dioxide emission to two percent of the volume emitted from coal. The experts also predict that in future, new technologies will be used to improve nuclear processes that use uranium. Such a step will lower carbon dioxide emissions significantly from nuclear fuel cycles (Fox 105).        Nuclear power eradicates the need for new power transmission lines that are environmentally damaging. In the United States, nuclear reactors are located in highly populated eastern parts of the country. Such a location means easy supply of power to the people through the existing transmission lines (Fox 106). Furthermore, nuclear reactors use highly concentrated energy from splitting uranium to generate power. In this case, a nuclear plant uses less than half a square mile to generate multiple gigawatts of electricity. Such a small footprint supersedes 50 square miles of solar panels and almost 500 square miles of wind turbines that generate similar amount of power (Fox 106). Therefore, with the small footprint and without a need for new power transmission lines, nuclear power is suitable for urban areas to reduce negative impacts on the landscape and environment.        Nuclear reactors are cost-saving as they reduce the cost of replacing power generating equipment. According to Fox, the United States recognizes the lifetime of nuclear reactors as 40 years. However, after inspection, the Nuclear Energy Regulation can extend the lifetime to 60 years depending on the safety status of the reactors (Fox 106). On the contrary, solar panels have an average life of 20 years. Unlike the nuclear reactors, the power production efficiency of solar panels decreases by approximately one percent per year. This means that they will have lost 20% of the power output by the end of the 20 years. Additionally, wind turbines have a similar lifetime as solar panels (Fox 106). As such, a person investing in solar panels and wind turbines will incur the replacement cost twice compared to an investor in nuclear reactors, which do not need replacement in a period of 40 years. Cons       Nuclear power plants attract high initial investment costs leading to a high cost of the generated electricity. According to Fox, each reactor requires about $6 billion to $8 billion to install. In 2005, the federal government enacted the Energy Policy Act that recognized the provision of construction loan guarantees for nuclear plants. However, the loans do not exceed 80% of a reactors cost. Furthermore, a significant proportion of investors cannot afford remaining 20% required to complete a single nuclear power project. Additionally, the law requires nuclear power developers to fully pay the cost of loan guarantee and the cost of administering such loan programs. Consequently, the plan discourages private financiers from financing private projects, especially when the nuclear developers fail to meet the loan guarantee obligations and to complete their projects within a particular period and budget (Fox 109). With the high initial investment cost, nuclear developers will increase th e price of power per unit; making it expensive, especially for domestic users. As a result, people will revert to other cheaper sources of power. Additionally, the federal government provides different incentives for investment in energy. However, of the total incentives, nine percent goes to research and development in nuclear power (Fox 110). This means that nuclear developers have to shoulder a high cost for the construction of nuclear reactors. Therefore, the market may not sustain nuclear power in the long-run due to its high initial investment.        Political leaders highly interfere with the operations of nuclear developers. Consequently, they make decisions that increase the risks and uncertainties of nuclear power. According to George Gonzales, majority of the leaders tailor their politics to suite interests of the local businesses. Failing to align their political interests to those of the nuclear developers creates uncertainties in the local economic climate. Such a move discourages new nuclear developers from investing in the locality. Furthermore, political interferences force nuclear developers to shut their operations in a state prior to the end of their projects lifetime. For example, the state government of New York accuses the management of Oyster Creek nuclear plant of unwillingness to comply with the states safety measures. Consequently, Oyster Creeks management has decided to shut the plant in 2019,10 years before the planned time (Gonzales 3). In such a case, it is likely that the nuclear developer will hurriedly cease operations without considering proper disposure of their waste products. Consequently, Gonzales points out that nuclear waste can be mined to make nuclear weapons (Gonzales 4). Therefore, it is clear that political decisions compromise proper handling of civilian nuclear technology; thus increasing the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.        Monopolization of the nuclear power sector can compromise peoples safety as the nuclear developers focus on maximizing output and profits. According to Gonzales, high initial investment attracts few investors. As a result, they dominate and monopolize the nuclear energy sector due to lack of high competition. In the United States, Westinghouse and General Electric are the dominant builders of nuclear reactors. With such monopoly, it is easy for investors to concentrate on increasing output to increase their earnings from nuclear power. As a result, they are likely to produce beyond their capacity and cause nuclear accidents, such as the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl reactor accidents of 1979 and 1986 respectively (Gonzales 3-4). Gerry Stoker and Keith Baker add that the nuclear industry in the United States is highly suspicious. Such is the case as the industry is secretive; creating a loophole for the investors to engage in secretive transactions that may compromise peoples safety (Stoker Baker Chapter 6).       Conclusion        Nuclear energy is of significant use in the United States. Initially, nuclear power was used for military purposes. With time, advanced technology was used to generate electricity from nuclear energy. Today, electricity from nuclear power accounts for about 20% of the United States total electricity produced each year. Among its benefits, nuclear power eradicates the need for new power transmission lines that are environmentally damaging and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emission. Conversely, monopolization of the nuclear power sector can compromise peoples safety as the nuclear developers focus on maximizing output and profits. Moreover, nuclear power plants attract a high initial investment cost leading to a high cost of the generated electricity. Therefore, the federal government and private nuclear developers should invent ways of minimizing the cons, especially the safety concerns. Works Cited Baker, Keith, and Stoker, Gerry. Nuclear Power and Energy Policy: The Limits to Governance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Print. Fox, Michael, H. Why We Need Nuclear Power: The Environmental Case. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Print. Gonzalez, George, A. Energy and Empire: The Politics of Nuclear and Solar Power in the United States. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2012. Print. US Energy Information Administration. Nuclear explained: US nuclear industry. May 1, 2018. Retrieved from [Web] June 25, 2018. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/index.php?page=nuclear_use
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The World Poverty Runs Rampant - 1454 Words
People fear tangible and visible things, places they have been and never wish to return like the old scary basement locked in darkness. Yet, poverty remains abstract, unknown, and even unfathomable to most. Across the world poverty runs rampant as 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 per day and more than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty on less than $1.50 per day. These are not abstracts, but facts so let me repeat myself, 1.3 billion people, part of the human race whose DNA contain the same sequences as everyone on this planet live in extreme poverty; where food, medical treatment, and clean water remains a luxury. To help put this in prospective look at an old budgetary game of time and numbers. Just like most people do not fully fathom the difference between million and billion, more developed societies neither fully understand the severity of the condition, nor do they understand the magnitude of its impact. These problems are pushed aside and 22, 000 children each day die. In 2014, Ebola outcry garnered visible top spots in media coverage leading the US among others to send ground personal to contain the crisis. Across developing countries malaria and tuberculosis receives billions upon billions of dollars from both multinationals like the Global Fund and individual donors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. William Easterly (2006) would call them â€Å"goodhearted,†as they misunderstand the major impetus of catastrophe. Diseases kill millions ofShow MoreRelatedHigh Suicide Rate Among Native American Teenagers Essay690 Words  | 3 Pagescar. At the same time, little is known of the extreme poverty and despondency existing within the reservations of the Native American communities. Many Native American families are still struggling with the pain and anguish their ancestors suffered during the ethnic cleansing and forced relocation of the 1800’s such as the Trail of Tears. 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