Friday, May 8, 2020
Significance of Objects in the Dolls House - 1789 Words
THE SYMBOLIC SIGNAFICANCE OF OBJECTS IN â€Å"A DOLL’S HOUSE†Hush†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I can hear voices†¦ Macaroons: nora ! Nora! Please don’t leave me and go†¦ why did she leave me half eaten? what is going to happen of me now!! Torvald detests me, he was always against Nora eating me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦why did it have to be me? Dress: everybody adored and praised Nora when she wore me†¦ but alas! What was the use of all my beauty and finery when in the end she left me all alone. Why was I given so much importance if she was to choose her ordinary clothes over me at the end? Letter: exactly! Were we just ornaments to adorn the surroundings? Christmas tree: hmm†¦ now even im wondering if my purpose in the house was of mere decoration. Even in this festive season will I†¦show more content†¦Just as Nora evolves from the mini-Nora of act one to the super-Nora of act three, similarly the set of the play goes through a drastic evolution, from light to darkness, from paradise to prison until, by the end of the play, it has been ethically demolished. One could imagine the doll house set, when Nora slams the door, collapsing like a house of cards, to the collective gasp of relief from the audience. Looking at the set we see, that Ibsen makes use of a triad, a room . two doors in the rear wall, the door on the left leads to Torvald’s study, and is opened and closed only when he chooses. It represents the sanctum sanctorum of male dominance and decision-making authority and security and his invisible presence behind that door is felt god like. Whenever he emerges from this door, it is always on his own terms , to direct and control events. The door to the right in the rear wall leads to the outside world. Only damaged people come through this door: Christine, Rank, Krogstad, all of whom have been variously hurt by the world outside. So this door represents the menacing reality of the outside world, its power to hurt but also, its power to force- to force one to grow up, to stop being a doll. There is another door, which leads to the nursery and bedroom. This is the world of sexual fantasy, of Nora performing childish roles of squirrel, lark and others to keep Torvald infatuated with her innocence. Here, one can clearly see that Ibsen draws aShow MoreRelatedA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1556 Words  | 7 PagesA Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen is a play which invokes different feelings on the reader. The play was written in 1879, a time in which women had a submissive role to her husband. 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